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Corona Time

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th May 2020
Forum Posts: 10

Billy_Snagg said:Oh, we usually just row with each other all night! You are not interrupting at all - you must never feel that you are. I hope you find the answers to all your questions here on DUP. We are some of the finest people you are ever likely to meet & I wasn't even talking about myself there! Welcome. How can we help?

for a while i thought i was
Anyways i'm glad i'm not.
[How can we help?]

I'm just hoping i could be shown how things are done here.

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th May 2020
Forum Posts: 10

Valeriyabeyond said:

Hello friend welcome you are not interrupting at all

Glad to hear that, thanks.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

Dear Write Soul 1, you can express yourself in any way you wish. I have read your profile & realise you have a lot to say. I think I can speak for us all in that we very much look forward to reading your take on everything this World has ever thrown at you.

Lost Thinker
Joined 6th May 2020
Forum Posts: 10

Dear Billy_Snagg, thanks for the warmth and encouraging comment. Hoping to let out a bit of what i have experienced and also learn a lot. And i'm really glad with the support and assurance. I know i can count on you all.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

Write_Soul said:Dear Billy_Snagg, thanks for the warmth and encouraging comment. Hoping to let out a bit of what i have experienced and also learn a lot. And i'm really glad with the support and assurance. I know i can count on you all.Good luck with that.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

A post by the person who took the original pic of the Japanese Hornets

Here is an updated pic of the infamous Japanese hornet queens. They're about 5.5cm in length. Remember, I HAVE SMALL HANDS.

Just to recap, there was ONE single nest found on Vancouver Island in September of 2019 and has since then been destroyed. They have not established themselves in North America since. The larvae feed on insect flesh, the adults sip nectar and the nutritious saliva of their brood. THEY ARE NOT MURDERERS. They do not have a taste for human flesh. Let's put a stop to this misinformation, NOW!

Just a side note: Honeybees are NOT endangered, NATIVE bees are! Honeybees are invasive in the western world and compete with native bees for nectar and pollen. The Asian honeybees have evolved a defensive technique against the Japanese hornet, known as thermo-balling. They engulf the scout hornet and vibrate their bodies at a collective temperature to a lethal level, essentially "cooking" the hornet alive.

Here is the original post of my photo on Flickr.

My photo also appeared on snopes and they gave me credit!

#MurderHornets #THEYARENOTMURDEROUS #JapaneseHornets #Queens #MySpecimens #Hornets #Wasps

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

lepperochan said:A post by the person who took the original pic of the Japanese Hornets

Here is an updated pic of the infamous Japanese hornet queens. They're about 5.5cm in length. Remember, I HAVE SMALL HANDS.

Just to recap, there was ONE single nest found on Vancouver Island in September of 2019 and has since then been destroyed. They have not established themselves in North America since. The larvae feed on insect flesh, the adults sip nectar and the nutritious saliva of their brood. THEY ARE NOT MURDERERS. They do not have a taste for human flesh. Let's put a stop to this misinformation, NOW!

Just a side note: Honeybees are NOT endangered, NATIVE bees are! Honeybees are invasive in the western world and compete with native bees for nectar and pollen. The Asian honeybees have evolved a defensive technique against the Japanese hornet, known as thermo-balling. They engulf the scout hornet and vibrate their bodies at a collective temperature to a lethal level, essentially "cooking" the hornet alive.

Here is the original post of my photo on Flickr.

My photo also appeared on snopes and they gave me credit!

#MurderHornets #THEYARENOTMURDEROUS #JapaneseHornets #Queens #MySpecimens #Hornets #Wasps

Amazing info.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Kudos to Tiawan:   ( another female leader ) I think 6 deaths  



Cuba :  the dreaded socialist state


cuba has also gifted the world with teams of doctors, PPE and, medicines

Leader: Male (brother of Fidel Castro)

Costa Rica :

"Costa Rica, where Latin America’s first COVID-19 case was reported, is one of the most successful nations in the fight against the coronavirus.
Its infection and death rates are lower than that of New Zealand."


Leader: Carlos Alvarado Quesada  

South Korea:

First death from virus on same day as USA

256 death total

Leader: Moon Jae-in  (male)

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608



288 cases, no death

Leader : Nguyễn Xuân Phúc (male)

making Vietnam possibly one of the most successful country to deal with Corona 19 to date

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

lepperochan, there are a lot of variables regarding your observations on global death rates. Some of these counties have sparser populations & maybe the climate too is playing its part. It is not as simple as saying one country is managing better than another because none of them started on a level playing field with the same environment or conditions, etc.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Billy_Snagg said:lepperochan, there are a lot of variables regarding your observations on global death rates. Some of these counties have sparser populations & maybe the climate too is playing its part. It is not as simple as saying one country is managing better than another because none of them started on a level playing field with the same environment or conditions, etc.

Ok, hit me with some of the variables so I understand betterer.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

lepperochan said:

Ok, hit me with some of the variables so I understand betterer.
I can't because I don't have the facts. It just sounded good, that's all. :-(

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

I think, (NZ included) they are all islands ('cept maybe or arguably S Korea which is half an Island)

N Korea and Tiawan probably had a bit of a head start because they had some kind of readiness from other virus' coming from China through the years

Costa Rica and NZ are probably furthest from Wuhan, of the two NZ could be closest

NZ shut down, Tiawan didn't  (as such)

N Korea, Tiawan and Vietnam, and Costa Rica  probably have  the most concentrated population  

NZ probably enjoy the best quality of life

those are some I could think of off top of head   ...they may not be accurate though

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Bleachin it to Hell... wanna see the mess? 😳

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Write_Soul said:sorry to interrupt, I'm new here and i feel a little lost at how things are done here.

I missed this page. Glad Val answered. Welcome! Love your avatar, btw. Great photogenic expression. Makes me want to put my face up to say hi back!

So I did! 😆

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005


Made me laugh.

After the Boris speech last night. which apparently didn't make much sense.

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