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Corona Time

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

lepperochan said:In fairness, fear is probably the number 1 reason most ordinary folk go to war over.  going to war over opinion is a bit much

True...but a lot of combatents in most large scale conflicts have not had a choice as to whether they are there or not.

I was discussing the actions of different people in a specific scene (close to a battle), but your point only adds to mine.

This is a common scenario;

- we fear going to war
- the government enacts conscription and we are selected
- we fear going to training, but we fear ridicule or prison
- we go to training
- we fear failing
- we pass
- we are then sent to war
- we fear war, but also fear the outcome of desertion
- when we are in a battle, we are afraid
- we might be too scared to run, or to fight, or to stop fighting, or whatever....

Our fear motivations are very complex, all pervasive, and operate on everyone differently....

This all ignores cultural fears like say "I don't want to go to war, but I don't want the filthy Japanese to rape my horse". This is how governments got people to volunteer for war many times, by creating a cartoon enemy to be afraid of.

I think some of the bravest people I ave ever read about are conscientious objectors. They are so often hated because if people accept that the war isn't so important that everyone must go, then finding meaning in the people who died is very hard. To be hated by your society must be rough as guts, and fearful!

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Blackwolf said:Agree , Lepperochan...

I went past fear , years ago...

It is possible for humans...most just do not choose it

I encourage anyone who thinks differently , to go talk
to a guru , or their choice of spiritual teacher...

They will tell you the same thing...

Fear is *normal low level human nature*

There are many levels beyond that energy ( phase )

Sounds great, but is clearly not true.

Yes, we can learn to not fear things like a terminal illness, or losing a job or social status (as a Stoic this is exactly what I train for).

This is not the same as not having a fear response, which was my point (each individual's fear response is different, and is a genetic strength being my point).

If you are near a construction crane that is falling over, you will shit yourself, and run or cower.

If a crocodile launches out of a creek bed at you while you are filling a water bottle, you will shit yourself, and then die.

If you are in a high speed car accident that pushes your car over a bridge you will shit yourself and scream all the way to your death.

This is not about "higher phases"....this is about evolved fear response. Even people who have stood in front of firing squads and said "get on with it you bastards", were clearly shitting themselves, they had however found a way to act despite that, not without it.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

I agree wholehearted, while fear is a natural occurrence 'fear of spiders,  heights, tomatoes ketchup (I've met two people who have the fear of tomato ketchup ) these are tangible things or thi gs which peoe are faced with which will kick start the fight or flight thing -also natural

fear of failure, fear of dying  is mostly something which is projected by the mind (I think) unless you're evil kanevil type scenario where failure meant death

fear mongering by government, church, unions, management are all very valid. I agree 911 sparked of a serios amount of mass fear and subsequent organised fear

fear is real. I dont need anyone to tell me, haha, I've shit bricks on many occasions.  I have learned to overcome, take notice of and if I'm honest use it against someone just like a government would . that said, there are still things I am afraid of

everyone has fear

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

lepperochan said:I agree wholehearted, while fear is a natural occurrence

Babies have fear. Babies are loving and spotless innocents. I know how to scare small babies. I use that info to make them feel safe.

🙏Everybody here made good points.🙏

Time forces me to cherry-pick.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572


Sounds great, but is clearly not true.

Yes, we can learn to not fear things like a terminal illness, or losing a job or social status (as a Stoic this is exactly what I train for).

This is not the same as not having a fear response, which was my point (each individual's fear response is different, and is a genetic strength being my point).

If you are near a construction crane that is falling over, you will shit yourself, and run or cower.

If a crocodile launches out of a creek bed at you while you are filling a water bottle, you will shit yourself, and then die.

If you are in a high speed car accident that pushes your car over a bridge you will shit yourself and scream all the way to your death.

This is not about "higher phases"....this is about evolved fear response. Even people who have stood in front of firing squads and said "get on with it you bastards", were clearly shitting themselves, they had however found a way to act despite that, not without it.[/quote

No, you are absolutely incorrect

I was tested as a child , had none of the *normal* reactions , which I have always seen as stupid , anyway

So no win there for you so sorry...


Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Listen man, with much respect. Yoir posts imply you dont feel anything. that's not something which is great. you're missing what it is to be human. to feel, to fear, to love, to grieve  all these things entwine with one another.  

I wouldnt call it stupid. but if you're not just making that shit up, I feel sorry for you. and not in a bad way, in a genuine without prejudice way

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Blackwolf said:[quote-480348-hemihead]

Sounds great, but is clearly not true.

Yes, we can learn to not fear things like a terminal illness, or losing a job or social status (as a Stoic this is exactly what I train for).

This is not the same as not having a fear response, which was my point (each individual's fear response is different, and is a genetic strength being my point).

If you are near a construction crane that is falling over, you will shit yourself, and run or cower.

If a crocodile launches out of a creek bed at you while you are filling a water bottle, you will shit yourself, and then die.

If you are in a high speed car accident that pushes your car over a bridge you will shit yourself and scream all the way to your death.

This is not about "higher phases"....this is about evolved fear response. Even people who have stood in front of firing squads and said "get on with it you bastards", were clearly shitting themselves, they had however found a way to act despite that, not without it.[/quote

No, you are absolutely incorrect

I was tested as a child , had none of the *normal* reactions , which I have always seen as stupid , anyway

So no win there for you so sorry...


Unverifiable, anecdotal 'evidence'.

In what scenario were you tested for fear response as a child? This seems to me to be a highly unlikely scenario. I even doubt such a test could be devised, and if it was done to cover all possible fear responses (physical and psychological), it's extremely unlikely it would be ethical.

What was tested, and with what device? Given your age, these tests would predate ECG's or other brain imaging, so could only rely on either what you report, or perhaps heart rate and blood tests.

Further, you earlier you claimed you have evolved past fear, and now you claim it was a secret power you had as a child....would you care to decide on which story you are sticking too?

- evidence people don not have fear
- evidence you were "tested as a child", or even that testing fear responses in children 55 years ago was either undertaken and/or reliable enough to make the first statement
- clarify whether you were born immune to fear, or you 'evolved to it'

I also note you have yet to come back to produce the evidence to the last unsupportable claims you made.

Maybe you could do them all at once?

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

lepperochan said:Listen man, with much respect. Yoir posts imply you dont feel anything. that's not something which is great. you're missing what it is to be human. to feel, to fear, to love, to grieve  all these things entwine with one another.  

I wouldnt call it stupid. but if you're not just making that shit up, I feel sorry for you. and not in a bad way, in a genuine without prejudice way

It is okay , my friend , no problem

I have been told by many spiritual teachers over my years , that is how it is once you reach a certain level...

You do not feel "normal"  human emotions...

Just a different realm we exist in / deal with...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

I was born in 1954

Tests were done apprx ten , or so years old in anNew York hospital , but my fathe was high level military , so it could have been one of those...

I lost much of my childhood memories...only remembe some...

Wiped clean , I was told , years later...

I was taken to where my father worked at Montauk

You might want to read up on that

So you see , I get information from spiritual , esoteric sources , yet as well confirmation from medical sources...

I can only tell you my truth...

( Oh and they put wires into my head.. weird test )

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Blackwolf said:I was born in 1954

Tests were done apprx ten , or so years old in anNew York hospital , but my fathe was high level military , so it could have been one of those...

I lost much of my childhood memories...only remembe some...

Wiped clean , I was told , years later...

I was taken to where my father worked at Montauk

You might want to read up on that

So you see , I get information from spiritual , esoteric sources , yet as well confirmation from medical sources...

I can only tell you my truth...

And therein lies the fundamental difference.

I believe nothing of what you say above, except that you may believe it. It is actually much more likely you are confused, dishonest, mentally challenged, or a heady mix of all three, because of how unlikely the story is.

You now you say that you were tested, but that you don't know what the test was, but you do know what it was for, but you don't know how it was done, but you remember the test result (that you also later evolved in to anyway).

There are some serious credibility problems with this story.

By what measure, apart from your usual "I just know" answers do you have anything to support what you say?

I'm genuinely curious. I think you take requests for anything to back up your (to me) ludicrous assertions, like there have been humans on earth for millions of years and they have had the same language, at least phonetically, similar for all that time, as some kind of attack. I actually want to understand how you come to these conclusions in the presence of a massive body of science that can demonstrate otherwise. Do you "just decide" what is true? It's really ok if you do, but you should be honest about it.

The problem for me is you state these things as fact, with nothing to back them up except "I just know" answers (and that you do it for several pages).

The problem I see is I could use this method to claim I have a goat living in my arse. I do. I know I do. I believe I do. I have ancient knowledge that I have a goat up my arse.

Using exactly your logic, I have just proved I have a goat up my arse. It is indisputable and perfect. I thought of the goat, therefore this goat is.

Can you use your logic to disprove I have a goat up my arse?

How might you prove or disprove I have a goat up my arse?

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

"How might you prove or disprove I have a goat up my arse?"

to be fair, id probably take your word for it, haha

once it's not a kid goat. can't go sticking kids up your arse

but yes, there appears to be blur between what's what and what's not.  no judgement from me, there are all sorts just like the liquorice  things

folk work hard on their personas, cant be easy to have it de-clothed as it were. on the other hand, truth be told, if truth was told, it's a helluva story which deserves an air for all sorts of reasons

Please try remember, good fellow. maybe while your up your own arse looking for answers you could give hemi's a quick look to see if he's lying about the goat

I jest. I would never send anyone up Hemis arse, god only knows what horrors await, haha :)=


Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

hemihead said:

And therein lies the fundamental difference.

I believe nothing of what you say above, except that you may believe it. It is actually much more likely you are confused, dishonest, mentally challenged, or a heady mix of all three, because of how unlikely the story is.

You now you say that you were tested, but that you don't know what the test was, but you do know what it was for, but you don't know how it was done, but you remember the test result (that you also later evolved in to anyway).

There are some serious credibility problems with this story.

By what measure, apart from your usual "I just know" answers do you have anything to support what you say?

I'm genuinely curious. I think you take requests for anything to back up your (to me) ludicrous assertions, like there have been humans on earth for millions of years and they have had the same language, at least phonetically, similar for all that time, as some kind of attack. I actually want to understand how you come to these conclusions in the presence of a massive body of science that can demonstrate otherwise. Do you "just decide" what is true? It's really ok if you do, but you should be honest about it.

The problem for me is you state these things as fact, with nothing to back them up except "I just know" answers (and that you do it for several pages).

The problem I see is I could use this method to claim I have a goat living in my arse. I do. I know I do. I believe I do. I have ancient knowledge that I have a goat up my arse.

Using exactly your logic, I have just proved I have a goat up my arse. It is indisputable and perfect. I thought of the goat, therefore this goat is.

Can you use your logic to disprove I have a goat up my arse?

How might you prove or disprove I have a goat up my arse?

Truthfully , I cannot disprove you have a goat up your ass

If you do , however , I do hope you enjoy it , and make full use of it's horny talents...

I can only tell what is real for me...

I do not care about you , your belief or disbelief , or your state of mind , or whether your boat floats or sinks...

I have spoken my truth , but you are inadequate to deal with it , due to it not matching your insistent mental defective framework...

Yet , exactly what I have said , has been my reality , strange as it is...

Perhaps you should read up on the Montauk Project , and it's proven reality...

Everything I have stated is true for me...

You ?

I am not sure about at all...

I have no proof you are a real human being , I have no proof you exist other.than as ones and zeros in a supposedly real webpage...

All is questionable...

You may not believe me...and I don't give a fuck if you do or don't

But I have no proof you are a real human being , let alone own a boat , have money , run a supposed crew...

You could be inventing it all...

So don't try to run your excess bullshit over me...

Wipe it off yourself first...

And yes I said that...and am most happy I did...

Now...go ahead and post your normal bullshit *I am better* posts as though most who check in on this thread believe you...

That is a joke that they do....

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

"But I have no proof you are a real human being , let alone own a boat , have money , run a supposed crew.."

I can say with confidence and conviction Hemi's ugly mug can be seen on a few occasions being interviewed by national tv on completion of some of his kill the earth for profit ventures ..his story checks out 100%

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Nice post Lepperochan , while I was typing...

I may not always agree with you , yet I do appreciate you...;)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

How can you be 100 percent sure that is him ?

Or that the TV / internet is real ?

Or anything is real ?

Are you really typing on a screen or think / dream you are ?

This is the reality I live in

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