Valentine Crushing Time
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
Poetry Contest Description
Let's Get Mushy, Poets!
Free love!
No cheating!
Just write ...and post. ❤️
Seriously, this is just sweet for sweetness' sake.
Sweetest poet wins. ❤️
Vote for the crush. 💘
No cheating!
Just write ...and post. ❤️
Seriously, this is just sweet for sweetness' sake.
Sweetest poet wins. ❤️
Vote for the crush. 💘
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
Crush 4 Poets
You there
standing buck naked
in your poetry
You caught ahold of me
I crushed at first write
the first one I read
I mean
I crush on the craft
naked true poems
bringing hearts together
Engulf me
Hex me
Surround me
Piece up my puzzle
little by little
Lend me the eyes
that rest upon your pages...
Last night my lover curled
around twisted guts
his mind miserably, darkly contorted
in our king-sized latex mattress bed
bought to celebrate
how we are not nearly dead
There he could scarcely move
so I spoke of your soul in poem
read him a page or two of you
and carried him along your verse
Until he was strong enough to rise
and thank the universe
His triggered mind and guts
uncock to the sound
of the hammer you set
in your metaphorical gun
Penning the words
to give our black hopes
a bit of your fun
So don't be surprised
if we crush
a poet-crush
on your juicy genius
Hun 🌹💘
standing buck naked
in your poetry
You caught ahold of me
I crushed at first write
the first one I read
I mean
I crush on the craft
naked true poems
bringing hearts together
Engulf me
Hex me
Surround me
Piece up my puzzle
little by little
Lend me the eyes
that rest upon your pages...
Last night my lover curled
around twisted guts
his mind miserably, darkly contorted
in our king-sized latex mattress bed
bought to celebrate
how we are not nearly dead
There he could scarcely move
so I spoke of your soul in poem
read him a page or two of you
and carried him along your verse
Until he was strong enough to rise
and thank the universe
His triggered mind and guts
uncock to the sound
of the hammer you set
in your metaphorical gun
Penning the words
to give our black hopes
a bit of your fun
So don't be surprised
if we crush
a poet-crush
on your juicy genius
Hun 🌹💘
Written by EdibleWords
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Island Breeze
Joined 2nd Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 16
Island Breeze
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 16
Poet's Crush On A Poet Crush
I’m not the type to let my guard down so easily,
But when i see your name popup and my update
Shows your last post,
It’s like my heart wants to jump and melt,
in front Of the screen while I read your senses rise so vividly,
The way you make my cheeks upset,
For continuous smiles that your alphabet evoked,
I can’t help it but dream of a night filled with scribbled puzzles
Of you and me when we collaborate on a sensual intimacy of rhythmic,
Flow of movement, we danced together on this platform,
The way you make my mind go wild and insanely each time I read you,
Seriously when I sign on,
I immediately check if I see your avatar on display,
Excited to comment and even wait to see your reply that makes me blush,
Don’t think It’s an obsession please,
but purely I’m crushed into a continuous crushing
of your intellectual scrutiny of words,
your verses incubate this platonic affection as
it increases seasonal and beyond spaces,
you ignite vigor and make me want to ingest marshmallows,
like we are in a camp blown by fire
if only my pillow, could tell the whispers my lips profess
when your pieces are read aloud late at night,
I fall asleep at the sound of your recital,
And I made
Your stanzas
part of my prayers,
I confess
I crush
I crush
Be my e-Valentine 💖
But when i see your name popup and my update
Shows your last post,
It’s like my heart wants to jump and melt,
in front Of the screen while I read your senses rise so vividly,
The way you make my cheeks upset,
For continuous smiles that your alphabet evoked,
I can’t help it but dream of a night filled with scribbled puzzles
Of you and me when we collaborate on a sensual intimacy of rhythmic,
Flow of movement, we danced together on this platform,
The way you make my mind go wild and insanely each time I read you,
Seriously when I sign on,
I immediately check if I see your avatar on display,
Excited to comment and even wait to see your reply that makes me blush,
Don’t think It’s an obsession please,
but purely I’m crushed into a continuous crushing
of your intellectual scrutiny of words,
your verses incubate this platonic affection as
it increases seasonal and beyond spaces,
you ignite vigor and make me want to ingest marshmallows,
like we are in a camp blown by fire
if only my pillow, could tell the whispers my lips profess
when your pieces are read aloud late at night,
I fall asleep at the sound of your recital,
And I made
Your stanzas
part of my prayers,
I confess
I crush
I crush
Be my e-Valentine 💖
Written by Poetic_Strength
(Island Breeze)
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Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
This just might be a simmering season! Great post! 🌹
Island Breeze
Joined 2nd Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 16
Island Breeze
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 16
Forum Posts: 3004
Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004
Poetic_Strength said:
Thank you for starting this comp.
I'm loving it🌹. Looking forward to reading the upcoming additions to the competitions. It will be a very lovely one.💖
Thanks! 😎🍬
For reasons seemingly outside of my control, I always catch myself under-complimenting like a simple fifth grader.... so here's another.
You are awesome! 💝
And all-you all... I echo her.
Bring it. 😘❤️
Thank you for starting this comp.
I'm loving it🌹. Looking forward to reading the upcoming additions to the competitions. It will be a very lovely one.💖
Thanks! 😎🍬
For reasons seemingly outside of my control, I always catch myself under-complimenting like a simple fifth grader.... so here's another.
You are awesome! 💝
And all-you all... I echo her.
Bring it. 😘❤️
Joined 24th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 53
Twisted Dreamer

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Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
Who You Are To Me
I dreamed of hope I wished for chance.
While dwelling on bitter circumstance.
The darkness was replaced with a brighter day.
My troubles were taken when you took me away.
While cradling me you lifted me higher.
You attended my needs and my souls deep desire.
When what I have earned is foolishly lost.
You settled my debts in spite of the cost.
And in all the wasted forgotten years.
It was you who wiped away my tears.
When blind by doubt you've helped me see.
Somehow you've found something in me.
Of all the happiness that I have known.
It's you that's made our house a home.
I can never thank you enough for being my wife.
You're the reason I have such a wonderful life.
Written by midevil
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Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
A Wedding Verse
A whispering heart spoke to the soul,
“How beautiful you have become.”
Twice as radiant and so complete,
As the two spirits melt into one.
A journey to last only until forever,
With it’s first step made on this day.
Carrying one another when one grows weary,
Embracing each other along the way.
Divided by half are the pitfalls of life,
And all it’s hidden troubles.
What lies ahead is a blessed future,
And for each there happiness is doubled.
A man and woman they have become,
Gone now always is there childish past.
And with their deep love for each other,
Shall in God eternally last.
Said to the soul back to the heart,
“It is two hearts touching I can clearly see.”
Softly they beat for one another,
For truly this was always meant to be.
Written by midevil
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
I have a crush on you
You have a crush on me
Who ever of the two of us
Is the most courageous
We’ll very well soon see
For who ever tries to kiss first
Is by far the bravest
So, I dare ya!
Come on, I dare ya!
To try and kiss me!
You have a crush on me
Who ever of the two of us
Is the most courageous
We’ll very well soon see
For who ever tries to kiss first
Is by far the bravest
So, I dare ya!
Come on, I dare ya!
To try and kiss me!
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 9th Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 204
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 204
My eyes that care with a tender stare
They want to caress your face they dare
Opening lips to kiss you their confess
Embracing you with a love to share
My words that say if they may
How they feel the truth is real
My rush is much I start to blush
Wondering if you don't mind my crush
My crush is for you
It's all so pink
Please don't turn it sadly blue
I've been dying to know what you think all week
My heart bopping for you to speak
My letter he opened with gentle ease
I'm nervous and freaking so crazily
Lord show me a strong sign if you please
The sun then shine's in a sudden breeze
Finished reading he seems to be
He turns to see me surprisingly
A hint as he smiles amazingly
They want to caress your face they dare
Opening lips to kiss you their confess
Embracing you with a love to share
My words that say if they may
How they feel the truth is real
My rush is much I start to blush
Wondering if you don't mind my crush
My crush is for you
It's all so pink
Please don't turn it sadly blue
I've been dying to know what you think all week
My heart bopping for you to speak
My letter he opened with gentle ease
I'm nervous and freaking so crazily
Lord show me a strong sign if you please
The sun then shine's in a sudden breeze
Finished reading he seems to be
He turns to see me surprisingly
A hint as he smiles amazingly
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Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
No Body But You
Say your every thought to me that I may find my way.
Talk to me and tell me how it was for you today.
See how much you mean to me I’m yours because you care.
Look into my eyes you’ll find how deeply you are there.
Listen to your dream filled breath as I hold you while you sleep.
Hear those words of love you speak that’s mine alone to keep.
Smells of what’s prepared for me as I’m treated like a king.
Taste so pleased with out compare in what your hands may bring.
Feeling like each moment is the first time when we met.
Touch my heart that beats with yours however far we get.
Thinking of you constantly is all I wish to do.
Knowing we are meant to be in this world I love only you.
Written by midevil
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Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
Just A Thought
I thought of you again today.
Some were things I wished to say.
Your heart knows well every word.
Still quiets so my voice is heard.
The sweet and funny things you've said.
Sooths the troubles in my head.
Gentle is your feel and touch.
A velvet grip that holds so much.
Thinking of your soft embrace.
And how your smile adorns your face.
The little things don't seem so small.
Reliving them I've kept them all.
While in my mind you're all I see.
Wishing you were here with me.
Nothing could you ever do.
Would stop the love I have in you.
Written by midevil
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Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 525
Smug crushers who recieveth thyn cards
I hate thyn own self for checking
that no one gives a shit
about this spotty teenage,
gangling git.
I senteth you a card worth a silver Pennie,
sealed with a loving kiss
thy pimpled arse you bitch,
you'll never knoweth what thy'll never miss.
I loveth you, I loveth you, I loveth you almighty
and all them clever rhymes like thus,
wishing my night shirt were next to your nighty,
but since though doth not know me, thats un-fucking likely.
Thine classroom poppets are talking in tongues,
who's dead fit and who might of sent it,
bring on the soldiers boo haa brigade,
square shoulders and jaws, how thy doin babe?
I know my place and to keepeth out of the way
of parading pricks on thoust special day.
But what becometh of our ugly lot
the ones whose dicks can't piss in thoust pot?
We asketh of each other the same tortured question,
did thy get a card from a name we can't mention?
socially excluded our Roses doth be read
but love be a tissue, stucketh to the bed.
that no one gives a shit
about this spotty teenage,
gangling git.
I senteth you a card worth a silver Pennie,
sealed with a loving kiss
thy pimpled arse you bitch,
you'll never knoweth what thy'll never miss.
I loveth you, I loveth you, I loveth you almighty
and all them clever rhymes like thus,
wishing my night shirt were next to your nighty,
but since though doth not know me, thats un-fucking likely.
Thine classroom poppets are talking in tongues,
who's dead fit and who might of sent it,
bring on the soldiers boo haa brigade,
square shoulders and jaws, how thy doin babe?
I know my place and to keepeth out of the way
of parading pricks on thoust special day.
But what becometh of our ugly lot
the ones whose dicks can't piss in thoust pot?
We asketh of each other the same tortured question,
did thy get a card from a name we can't mention?
socially excluded our Roses doth be read
but love be a tissue, stucketh to the bed.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Joined 18th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 5
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 5
this isnt my best work, just wanted to share :)