Through the Alphabet : The Letter “V”

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Joined 18th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 13
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 13
There's a vacancy on my list of disliked letters
next to U, which in my mind - is vulgar
oozing arrogance
and sneering contempt
through association and irrational judgement
utility, ubiquity - that glyphic upstart, my tongue hesitates
to utter.
But a new idea germinated
vying for verbal acceptance
showing that U has feminine curve
while masculine V
occupying that vacant, adjacent vantage
is an anglar U
Today, of my own volition
I veneer that odious character
by painting a pretty vignette
acceptable to my turbulent reason
Today I serve as linguistic vicar
to reconcile my displeasure
marry U with V
a vow of mystical union - verbal light.
next to U, which in my mind - is vulgar
oozing arrogance
and sneering contempt
through association and irrational judgement
utility, ubiquity - that glyphic upstart, my tongue hesitates
to utter.
But a new idea germinated
vying for verbal acceptance
showing that U has feminine curve
while masculine V
occupying that vacant, adjacent vantage
is an anglar U
Today, of my own volition
I veneer that odious character
by painting a pretty vignette
acceptable to my turbulent reason
Today I serve as linguistic vicar
to reconcile my displeasure
marry U with V
a vow of mystical union - verbal light.
Written by SeaCat
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
( a Sonnet )
A life, with its veneer of tears and pain
That shimmer from a season’s sun and rain,
No vicar with a St. James Bible verse
Will honor you a free ride in a hearse.
When by volition taking of one’s breath,
Thus causes bringing on of one’s own death.
The vantage point of this is fading fast
From cultures tightly clinging to the past.
A vacancy that’s vying to be filled,
A burial for every one that’s spilled,
Will come to pass with every desperate vow,
For nothing’s vulgar in the ways of how.
The vignette view’d by some that ‘spare the rod’,
And those who patient wait to be with God.
A life, with its veneer of tears and pain
That shimmer from a season’s sun and rain,
No vicar with a St. James Bible verse
Will honor you a free ride in a hearse.
When by volition taking of one’s breath,
Thus causes bringing on of one’s own death.
The vantage point of this is fading fast
From cultures tightly clinging to the past.
A vacancy that’s vying to be filled,
A burial for every one that’s spilled,
Will come to pass with every desperate vow,
For nothing’s vulgar in the ways of how.
The vignette view’d by some that ‘spare the rod’,
And those who patient wait to be with God.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
Evening News
Vulgar has the world become as it grows colder every day.
What vignette kindness has become aside it's pushed away.
Hope's vacancy is the vantage for desperation and for rage.
As anger has shed it's thin veneer to usher in this age.
Are elected leaders are vicars of this religion filled with hate
May they reap what they have sown I fear will be too late.
The violation of good and beauty still vying for a place.
A vow of judgment is to see the look upon their face.
Written by midevil
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Forum Posts: 69
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th June 2019
Forum Posts: 69
While I also entered Jade, I like yours's best.
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Valleys and vicissitudes
The place I walked all on my own
A solitude its wooded paths. trees grown from a cone
In that quiet no vulgar thought endeared
The calm of church descends upon each ear
A congregation in that place I vow
That natures vicar is priest of the here and now
And serenity not vie with vulgar undertones
The cross I carry shed its kilograms and stones
Boulders I scramble hard to cross the slope
Faiths volution spiralled down, still hold that veneer of hope
Whether a Cathedral of sun and sky and space
To stumble lost in depressions deep foolhardiness
The vignette of sunset through the canopy
Awake the soul of how unseen that possibility
Which self vying for the vantage
Feed the love and starve the savage
Falls Vacancy is my future more than empty
The valley to the crest, will I fall like Humpty Dumpty
Lost sacrament, know that natures wonders matter
The knowledge that all love the planet flatters
A solitude its wooded paths. trees grown from a cone
In that quiet no vulgar thought endeared
The calm of church descends upon each ear
A congregation in that place I vow
That natures vicar is priest of the here and now
And serenity not vie with vulgar undertones
The cross I carry shed its kilograms and stones
Boulders I scramble hard to cross the slope
Faiths volution spiralled down, still hold that veneer of hope
Whether a Cathedral of sun and sky and space
To stumble lost in depressions deep foolhardiness
The vignette of sunset through the canopy
Awake the soul of how unseen that possibility
Which self vying for the vantage
Feed the love and starve the savage
Falls Vacancy is my future more than empty
The valley to the crest, will I fall like Humpty Dumpty
Lost sacrament, know that natures wonders matter
The knowledge that all love the planet flatters
Written by slipalong
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878
Vampire Hunter
I have been tasked with a vigilant responsibility,
A vicar you might say voted by a Vatican votive,
To vanquish a virus, the vice vying for power,
A violation of nature with an ulterior venal motive.
I vow not to veer from this mere valuable volition,
To rid of this vicious and vulgar vermin of the earth,
For in the vignette of a victim thought to have vanished,
Lies evidence a virulent disease of an evil vile rebirth.
It is not a false veneer but they are real venomous fangs,
The vacancy in the villain’s eyes verifies he’s a vampire,
Verily I say to thee with veracity he must die violently,
Stake him through the heart then cast him into the fire.
I am the prey’s vanguard for vindication and vengeance,
With my vantage point where I can see almost everything,
For in this vain vexation I strive for a victorious salvation,
So in voluminous lore I will be simply known as Van Helsing.
A vicar you might say voted by a Vatican votive,
To vanquish a virus, the vice vying for power,
A violation of nature with an ulterior venal motive.
I vow not to veer from this mere valuable volition,
To rid of this vicious and vulgar vermin of the earth,
For in the vignette of a victim thought to have vanished,
Lies evidence a virulent disease of an evil vile rebirth.
It is not a false veneer but they are real venomous fangs,
The vacancy in the villain’s eyes verifies he’s a vampire,
Verily I say to thee with veracity he must die violently,
Stake him through the heart then cast him into the fire.
I am the prey’s vanguard for vindication and vengeance,
With my vantage point where I can see almost everything,
For in this vain vexation I strive for a victorious salvation,
So in voluminous lore I will be simply known as Van Helsing.
Written by wallyroo92
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Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 941
Letter to Vee
I remember vying for your heart’s vacancy...
We’d watch Vicar of Dibley, and I’d wait
and see if the vulgar vignettes brought
a change in condition- would you
laugh with abandon of your own
volition? I’d vow from my
vantage point- beanbag’s
soft swells- that these
cheap veneer walls
would have stories
to tell! ...Now it's
been fiVe years,
my irrepressible
Vee, so I vainly
ask you, does
your heart
vie for
We’d watch Vicar of Dibley, and I’d wait
and see if the vulgar vignettes brought
a change in condition- would you
laugh with abandon of your own
volition? I’d vow from my
vantage point- beanbag’s
soft swells- that these
cheap veneer walls
would have stories
to tell! ...Now it's
been fiVe years,
my irrepressible
Vee, so I vainly
ask you, does
your heart
vie for
Written by SatInUGal
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
AspergerPoet56, _boybrains, Miss_Sub, butters, MadameLavender, Tallen, alcedoathis, AnonymousBystander, Josh, PlaydateWithFire, Layla, Fetchitnow, Velvet, Indie, Ahavati, JohnnyBlaze, LJRoundTown, Marks, wallyroo92
Thank you to the following members for voting:
AspergerPoet56, _boybrains, Miss_Sub, butters, MadameLavender, Tallen, alcedoathis, AnonymousBystander, Josh, PlaydateWithFire, Layla, Fetchitnow, Velvet, Indie, Ahavati, JohnnyBlaze, LJRoundTown, Marks, wallyroo92
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17569
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17569
Congratulations, Slip! Well-deserved win!
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
thanks I am Very Very Flattered. regards Slip

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