Kissing, Necking, Cuddling
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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"Because in each peck and smooch I tend to reminisce,
I’m so in love with you, you know this is true,
But let me shut up now and when I see you…we’ll kiss"
Indeed, one kiss can reawaken love's bliss.
I’m so in love with you, you know this is true,
But let me shut up now and when I see you…we’ll kiss"
Indeed, one kiss can reawaken love's bliss.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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FromTheAsh said:
Thanks runaway for making us aware of the powers of the existential powers of love.
Thanks runaway for making us aware of the powers of the existential powers of love.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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If this is Hell, let me press the down arrow on the elevator.
If this is Hell, let me press the down arrow on the elevator.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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Magical Kisses
Our first kiss that night came from
The movies with the way you are
Looking at me before our lips meet
And when our lips did meet halfway
It felt like someone calmed the fire
Before or after the storm. The numb
Feeling within me blooms like a star
As everything else takes a backseat.
With you by my side I wanted to stay
On top of the world. With that desire
Came no need to take off clothes but
We are connected on a spiritual level.
Underneath the clear night’s sky and
When we are fully surrounded by an
Infinite amount of stars we are going
To be somewhere magical. In the rut
Your kisses saved me. The daredevil
Said to take a chance. With your hand
On my heart I would let go of the plan
I was following. Our kiss was glowing.
The movies with the way you are
Looking at me before our lips meet
And when our lips did meet halfway
It felt like someone calmed the fire
Before or after the storm. The numb
Feeling within me blooms like a star
As everything else takes a backseat.
With you by my side I wanted to stay
On top of the world. With that desire
Came no need to take off clothes but
We are connected on a spiritual level.
Underneath the clear night’s sky and
When we are fully surrounded by an
Infinite amount of stars we are going
To be somewhere magical. In the rut
Your kisses saved me. The daredevil
Said to take a chance. With your hand
On my heart I would let go of the plan
I was following. Our kiss was glowing.
Written by eswaller
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Get Intimate With Me
Get Intimate With Me
How is it so easy to get Intimate in one way, and so difficult in another?
How can you give me your body so willingly but your heart and mind seem to only have a momentary vacancy for me
I want more than anything for you to see that intimacy is far more than physical
Your emotional and psychological intimacy is my true desire and the yearning for it churns my blood jus as fiercely as the touch your hands gliding over my body
Can’t you undress your heart in the same slow sexy manner you disrobe your clothes for me
Get Intimate With me
Can’t you whisper your troubles to me the way you whisper your love for me while we caress
Get Intimate With Me
Can’t you cry and scream your sadness and sorrows to me the same as you do in your climatic octave
Get Intimate With Me
I want you to have the same strength to open up to me as you do when you’re clenching my body while I’m rocking on top of you
Why can’t you want to share more of your feelings the way you long for more of my pleasurable giving’s
Get Intimate With Me
And why do I have to beg for your secrets, when mine I so easily surrendered to you
The security I feel when I’m in your arms, the passion that is ignited when our bodies touch, the tenderness of the moment when we kiss
That same intimacy is all I want even when we’re just talking…
The tone in your voice when you speak to me, which undoubtedly assures me that you trust me with delicately handling your heart in the same way we passionately take care of one another’s physical desires
That type of intimacy is what solidifies our love, today, tomorrow, and for all time…..
How is it so easy to get Intimate in one way, and so difficult in another?
How can you give me your body so willingly but your heart and mind seem to only have a momentary vacancy for me
I want more than anything for you to see that intimacy is far more than physical
Your emotional and psychological intimacy is my true desire and the yearning for it churns my blood jus as fiercely as the touch your hands gliding over my body
Can’t you undress your heart in the same slow sexy manner you disrobe your clothes for me
Get Intimate With me
Can’t you whisper your troubles to me the way you whisper your love for me while we caress
Get Intimate With Me
Can’t you cry and scream your sadness and sorrows to me the same as you do in your climatic octave
Get Intimate With Me
I want you to have the same strength to open up to me as you do when you’re clenching my body while I’m rocking on top of you
Why can’t you want to share more of your feelings the way you long for more of my pleasurable giving’s
Get Intimate With Me
And why do I have to beg for your secrets, when mine I so easily surrendered to you
The security I feel when I’m in your arms, the passion that is ignited when our bodies touch, the tenderness of the moment when we kiss
That same intimacy is all I want even when we’re just talking…
The tone in your voice when you speak to me, which undoubtedly assures me that you trust me with delicately handling your heart in the same way we passionately take care of one another’s physical desires
That type of intimacy is what solidifies our love, today, tomorrow, and for all time…..
Written by FreeLove87
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Lover’s Arms
In her lover’s arms
She feels protected and warm
Like a prized possession
Encased and safe
With a heart beat there
To remind her
That he will never leave
Or neglect her
His soft breaths
Against her neck
The slight shifts of his limbs
To pull her closer
Squeeze her tighter
The half asleep kiss
He plants on her shoulder
That tells her
That even in slumber
He can’t stop loving her
How complete she feels
In her lover’s arms
How right the world feels
In her lover’s arms
She steadily falls asleep
…in her lover’s arms
She feels protected and warm
Like a prized possession
Encased and safe
With a heart beat there
To remind her
That he will never leave
Or neglect her
His soft breaths
Against her neck
The slight shifts of his limbs
To pull her closer
Squeeze her tighter
The half asleep kiss
He plants on her shoulder
That tells her
That even in slumber
He can’t stop loving her
How complete she feels
In her lover’s arms
How right the world feels
In her lover’s arms
She steadily falls asleep
…in her lover’s arms
Written by thefuriouspoet
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D.C. Memory
It snowed today in D.C.
I saw a weather broadcast on TV
Sweet memories it brought to mind
Walking in the snow arm in arm
Our private little holiday in the National Mall
Throwing snow balls in the Smithsonian statue garden
Envious looks from lonely people
Others sharing secret smiles
I heard one say
“Look how much they are in love.”
It’s the wonderful times like this that i remember
Delightful feelings
Beautiful times
Have not
Will not
Fade Away
I saw a weather broadcast on TV
Sweet memories it brought to mind
Walking in the snow arm in arm
Our private little holiday in the National Mall
Throwing snow balls in the Smithsonian statue garden
Envious looks from lonely people
Others sharing secret smiles
I heard one say
“Look how much they are in love.”
It’s the wonderful times like this that i remember
Delightful feelings
Beautiful times
Have not
Will not
Fade Away
Written by SilverBeaver_42
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Cristal Like the Champagne
I'm Cristal like the champagne.....
I'm pistol like the champlain.....
I'm a paul like the campaign....
The campaign you gave me that time......
Do you remember?....
The one where you were all over a girl like me.....
You was all like "she not one of ya'll......
I was like but I'm having a ball....
A ball that any girl like me would dream of going to......
Cristal like the champagne.........
I'm pistol like the champlain.....
I'm a paul like the campaign....
The campaign you gave me that time......
Do you remember?....
The one where you were all over a girl like me.....
You was all like "she not one of ya'll......
I was like but I'm having a ball....
A ball that any girl like me would dream of going to......
Cristal like the champagne.........
Written by BeautyQueen00
(Queen Kawaii)
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Sorry. So many good poems, I have to put it to a vote.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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FromTheAsh said:
What a beautiful way to start the morning.
What a beautiful way to start the morning.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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"A beaconing breath
I tell you a saga of love
whilst you whisper
Beyond beautiful.
I tell you a saga of love
whilst you whisper
Beyond beautiful.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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11, your poem proves the educational value of poetry.
"Take the lower lip gently
lick and touch lightly with your own.
Kiss her well and play with her hair.
Relax as she melts in your arms,
Patience is key."
"Take the lower lip gently
lick and touch lightly with your own.
Kiss her well and play with her hair.
Relax as she melts in your arms,
Patience is key."
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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Lover’s Arms
In her lover’s arms
She feels protected and warm
Like a prized possession
Encased and safe
With a heart beat there
To remind her
That he will never leave
Or neglect her
His soft breaths
Against her neck
The slight shifts of his limbs
To pull her closer
Squeeze her tighter
The half asleep kiss
He plants on her shoulder
That tells her
That even in slumber
He can’t stop loving her
How complete she feels
In her lover’s arms
How right the world feels
In her lover’s arms
She steadily falls asleep
…in her lover’s arms
She feels protected and warm
Like a prized possession
Encased and safe
With a heart beat there
To remind her
That he will never leave
Or neglect her
His soft breaths
Against her neck
The slight shifts of his limbs
To pull her closer
Squeeze her tighter
The half asleep kiss
He plants on her shoulder
That tells her
That even in slumber
He can’t stop loving her
How complete she feels
In her lover’s arms
How right the world feels
In her lover’s arms
She steadily falls asleep
…in her lover’s arms
Written by thefuriouspoet
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"When you are full of desire
And lust is a raging fire
Fall into my arms
I will quench you"
Love does rescue.
And lust is a raging fire
Fall into my arms
I will quench you"
Love does rescue.
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dawn, you've done a wonderful job of reminding us that love empowers, not imprisons.