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Poetry competition CLOSED 12th April 2019 5:49pm
View Profile Poems by snugglebuck
RUNNER-UP: wallyroo92

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Lucy juice

poet Anonymous

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new writes only?

poet Anonymous

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John Dion
Strange Creature
United States
Joined 5th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 1

High School

Purpose For 4 years of my life
Married For 4 years. That Bitch was my wife
Like like any marriage in America that lasts for 4 years..
I wanna puncture that bitch with a fucking knife. haha

I’m so fucking sick of high school
You might think stabbing that bitch seems a little cruel
But Nah there’s a reason i’m filled with this toxic fucking fuel
I swear to god if I have to listen to another fucking stupid rule(You can’t say that)
So creatively oppressed I’m surprised there’s not a riot with kids flipping fucking desks(You can’t write that)
All the fucks trying to be cool posting every single time they smoke and every new drug they do
All that drama started and spread by faggot tools that have nothing better to do

And All the girls who are fucking tools and can’t decide what they wanna get into
Saying they need a guy that has love, affection, Something Where the love is true
Goes for a fuckboy fool. Her friends warned her but nah “That’s the old him he changed and really cares”
Bitch gets left or cheated on. So unaware
Posts on the social like it’s a fucking prayer
Or Posts on socials “Done with relationships swear!”
Cycle repeats a month Maybe two months later. Who saw that coming?
Same shit been happening since freshman homecoming
And you wonder why the fuck you ain’t passing.. I mean well

I hate to be that guy saying the education been sucking cause i know they’re trying
S.A.T pressure; making kids crying start puking. Are you fucking kidding?
Learning about the ancient egyptians, The history of the haitians. Ludicrous algebra equations
I mean what the fuck is this? No wonder kids are dropping thinking this is pointless
I mean where the fuck are ever gonna use this?
2 years of a language? Older generation says we barely speak English
So how you expect us to pass spanish? Estupido puta usa la logica

Make a 3 panel poster on the peloponnesian war?
You got me dropping dead on the fucking floor
Been at work since 4 so why do that when it’s easier to sleep and ignore?
I mean it’s already 10:44 when i’m walking through that damn door


I mean health class taught me it’s the better decision for my core
Taught me i could have a heart attack at 44
To bad it didn’t teach me Sex Ed. just every STD and random fucking Meds
Good thing i knew about intercourse before I even fucking swore
Maybe something that might help the teen pregnancy problem might be teaching about birth control and condoms before.
Not just all the ways you’re pee pee’s and cunt gets bubbly, red and sore
No wonder parents are signing waivers getting their kids stopped at the goddamn door

All this stupid shit i have to learn
All the stressful shit i have to endure
All for a piece of fucking paper?
A piece of fucking paper
A piece of fucking paper decides if I’m a failure?
Sure makes sense. What else do i need to do for my copy?
Written by Brutalititty (John Dion)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Broker's Prayer

The Lord is my Broker
I cannot make enough
He maketh me lie down in green currency
He leadeth me to Mutual Funds
He restorth my Equity
He leads me down the path of selfishness and greed
For the name sake of the ‘Almighty Dollar’
Yeah, thou I invest in the shadowy valley of complex bonds and questionable securities  
I fear no Bankruptcy  
For if I default
Bailouts will comfort me
My Broker preparath for me a table of decadence in the presence of my peon employees.
You have anointed me with unsecure inflated oil speculations.
My portfolio runneth over.  
Surely the SEC nor the IRS will investigate or audit me.
I shall dwell in the exclusive County Club of 1%rs forever and ever
Now let's have the children recite their bedtime prayer.
No I pay me
Dow to reap
To the calf of Gold
My investments keep
If I should default  
Before my take
I’ll sell my soul
To the Devil, cheap
God Bless, Mommy, Daddy and Mitt Romney  
By far the largest, most powerful religion in the world, is the ‘Cult of the Golden Calf.’  Where money is God, and the high priests of the 1% rule with insatiable greed. The ‘Cult of the Golden Calf,’ predates most other faiths and its influence can be found in nearly all of them.  So the next time you read your money’s motto, “In God We Trust,” know that the God they speak of is the Golden Calf that has grown into a demonic bull.
Written by snugglebuck
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Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 217

act of contrition (fixed)

Oh my god.
I'm heartily sorry
for having bought into thee,
and I detest all time spent
shut up in thy hushed government
but most of all,
I thank beauty itself  
who freed my thought
from its gag, hood, and church-granted chains -
I firmly resolve
with the health in my face
to pretend no more
and to take joy in the world
as it is.  

A dead book
says I deserve  
dirty looks on the street
for finally understanding myself
and walking around in those honest clothes -
I am damned
for what this heart - this mouth is -
a fountain -
my wellspring of love
a waterfall,  
a wasteful fire-hydrant -  
nonetheless a steamy
southern summer scene -
heavy clouds  
that give their everything -
then - bless this -
mist the next morning,
for eyes just awake,
only the freshest.
my love  
is sunshine
and rain,
my sex  
has slain the stone in hearts;
crushed it into dust
and with a lustful pinky  
brushed it away.
Saved many a chest
from cold,
extra weight.  
In the kisses,  
sun, clouds, light,
tongue, now and then - bites -
joy unabashed,
wide as the daytime -
and your god  
insists I ought
to fit it through a straw.
I thank him
for teaching me  
to roll with the dirty looks
like roller-skates.  
To smile  
and smile
and meet that instant judgment
with my warming,
tight, sun-tanned,
automatic love.
There is afternoon sky
right in my big beautiful eyes.  
soft shade in my smile.
I could not hold it back  
if I wanted to,
if I tried.
Written by rowantree
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poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.
hoping that the ``however`` will kick in here, if not, please, Host, if you could, use the following as comp entrant ... thank you.

poet Anonymous

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190

"father","sister", mother, daddy, sister

“Father” why do you pray
When you are the worst
You drink and prey on little children
You’re no better than the rest of us.

“Sister” why do you go to “Father”
When he is the one who hurts you
You know his bad sins and you still go
You’re no better than the rest of us.

Mother why do you go to “Sister”
When she is the one who goes to “Father”
You know her habits and his sins and you still go
You’re no better than the rest of us.

Daddy why do you go to Mother
When you know she goes to “Sister”
You know her tendencies and her habits and you still go
You’re no better than the rest of us.

Sister why do you go to Daddy
When you know he sleeps with you and Mother
You know his evil ways and her tendencies and you still go
You no better than the rest of us.

Me why do I sit back and watch this all
When I know all the bad things that happen
I know all their sins, habits, tendencies, and ways and I still go
I’m no better than the rest of them.
Written by emo1
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

Wolves in Cheap Clothing

When men claim to be the voice of the Most High
  I tend to question authority,
(Remember Waco or Jonestown?)
Wolves in cheap clothing tend try to control the masses,
Yet many from different classes fall for their trickery,
Like sheep following blindly to the slaughter.

Some religions seem to have put a negative spin
  On their founder’s teachings,
Making up senseless rules somewhere along the way,
They become corrupt like government officials or politicians,
Brainwashing those not strong enough to think for themselves.

Thou shall not kill, let’s look at history if you will,
Remember the Inquisition? The Crusades? 9/11?
Those Holy Wars fought to spread belief to foreign lands,
Killing on command,
Fighting for a “cause” to get into heaven.

Yet the wolves in cheap clothing keep pulling the strings,
Some disguised in robes committing crimes,
Accessorized in ten thousand dollar suits asking for more,
Living like kings and queens because it seems…
Their god comes in the color green.

There are noble people out there,
Acting in good faith for the sake of humankind
And that is a good creed, helping out those in need,
Because we need them during these difficult times.

I don’t care how you identify or what faith you are
I don’t care what class, color or race you may be,
As long as you’re decent and good toward others,
Then we’ll meet in a place of peace and harmony.
Written by wallyroo92
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Who's this Lilith, the abort-er    
Eating fetus, drawn & quartered    
In her drama's world arena.    
Bring the next match, seraphima.    
Must be three's a lucky number    
That she dreams if e'er she slumber.    
There's no catch, she's so disarming;    
War of III will soon be starting.    
Hostess Lil' throws quite the bash!    
Stock markets round the world will crash.    
Computer files will ransom cash.    
The way we've learned to live & play    
Will have us want for yesterday.    
There won't be need for troops with guns,    
Or bombs to drop from which we run.    
Let's just pretend we never heard    
Of climate change & Donald Turd,    
Of Vladimir & news that's fake,    
Fat boy Jong-Un & birthday cake.    
The drinks are on the one called Queen,    
Though we shan't bow, and she can't sing.    
I hope you'll enjoy while we're still connected to the Internet.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

What an honor to have my submission picked among so many wonderful poems.

Big thanks to Michael_Goodridge for sponsoring such a fun competition.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Congratulations, Kimmy!  Your entry was very deserving of the cup! xo


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