Poetry competition CLOSED 17th April 2019 10:06pm

and Orc_Pirate_68
My Kitty Kat
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2983
Poetry Contest Description
Kitty Kat Poem (from Poetry Medics)

Write a poem about your kitty or kittys
not straight jacket
no rules
as long or as short as you want
Just have some fun
Poetry Medics just creating smiles - Kitty smiles

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Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

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The cut off point is 300 entries I know you love the kitties :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

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Joined 5th Nov 2014
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Tyrant of Words

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Now this is just like a cat
Joined 5th Nov 2014
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Tyrant of Words

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Cat Haikus 7.0
(i) Stolen
The fridge door opened
by a smooth feline stranger
the cat's got the cream
(ii) Safe
bookshelf way too high
so much for the cat burglar
the cat treats are safe
(iii) Music
nursery rhyme cat
whimsical and musical
as he plays the fiddle
(iv) Cute
I have a kitten
so cute when he plays and jumps
little white ball of fluff
(v) Happy
my cat is happy
my cat smiles such a lot
he is from Cheshire
(vi) Royalty
so where have you been
my pussy cat, pussy cat
Queens garden party?
(vii) Halo
he lost his mitten
I'm smitten with my kitten
he can do no wrong
Written by David_Macleod
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Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
And Snugglebuck was never seen again.
"Good Bye Kitty
Dead Cat Rap"
Well that's that!
So long snugglebuck
Prepare for the,
Revenge of the Cats!
Dead Cat Rap"
Well that's that!
So long snugglebuck
Prepare for the,
Revenge of the Cats!
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2983
My Burberry Cat
Have you ever seen my Burberry cat
He matches my Burberry baseball hat
He sports a stylish Burberry cravat
He’s stuffed with fluff, he’s round and fat
He doesn’t meow he doesn’t purr
He’s made of cloth and has no fur
He doesn’t eat, he doesn’t chew
No litter tray that smells of poo
All six whiskers are now missing
A faded mouth from too much kissing
One wonky eye, a pink scuffed nose
A gammy leg with three squashed toes
A torn ear, a broken tail
He’s elderly now and somewhat frail
I’ve had him such a long, long time
To part with him would be a crime
But part with him I’m told I must
I’m not a child, I must adjust
And put away these childish things
And just accept what adulthood brings
As I placed him in the bag
I experienced a major snag
Finally happened, don’t know how
I clearly heard his first meow
A single tear was in his eye
Maturity I must defy
He’s here to stay and that is that
My worn, well loved Burberry cat
Written by David_Macleod
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Joined 20th May 2018
Forum Posts: 297
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 297
Lovable but prickly
always nibbling at your toes...
sticking you with thorny paws
licking on your nose...
the pair make up a thundering herd
from cellar up to gable
their water bowl is upside down
in a puddle 'neath the table
rebounding off the furniture
and pelting down the hall
I know the gallop's good for them...
but I'm going up the wall.
always nibbling at your toes...
sticking you with thorny paws
licking on your nose...
the pair make up a thundering herd
from cellar up to gable
their water bowl is upside down
in a puddle 'neath the table
rebounding off the furniture
and pelting down the hall
I know the gallop's good for them...
but I'm going up the wall.
Written by Ely
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Joined 24th Mar 2019
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Fire of Insight

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Related submission no longer exists.
Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305
Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 305
What is Love?
What is love?
Love is a paw on your lips in the morning to tell you they're hungry,
Love is yelling at you when you don't hurry,
Love is long whiskers, and big eyes,
Love is fur lit by sunlit skies.
Love is a slinky shadow, and a striped grey lynx,
Love is a sunkissed, grey with tan Sphinx.
Love is a trouble making-camouflaging-ninja-panther,
Love is, in the corner of your vision, the cat running past, a blur.
Love is a paw swinging at the clumsy, dog oaf,
Love is a skinny string bean, and a curled up, fat, cat loaf,
All curled up in your lap, smiling, purring,
Love is a feline blessing.
Love is jumping up to open all the doors and know what's going on all the time,
Love is "hating" each other, yet being partners in crime.
Love is curling up in your lap while you're on the toilet,
Love is having it's own blanket, crotchet.
Love is going outside and being an asshole who won't come back 'till after you call their names,
Love is having several nicknames.
Love is cursing you out under their breath,
Love is worrying, every time they go outside, they'll face death.
Love is jumping and snarling at a favorite string.
Love is running,
Love is cunning,
Love is biting,
Love is scratching,
Love is fighting,
Love is sweet,
Love is neat,
Love is humorous,
Love is precious,
Love is messy,
Love is heavy,
Love is picky,
Love is finicky,
Love is my Frankie Whiskers, and my Gumby.
Love is a paw on your lips in the morning to tell you they're hungry,
Love is yelling at you when you don't hurry,
Love is long whiskers, and big eyes,
Love is fur lit by sunlit skies.
Love is a slinky shadow, and a striped grey lynx,
Love is a sunkissed, grey with tan Sphinx.
Love is a trouble making-camouflaging-ninja-panther,
Love is, in the corner of your vision, the cat running past, a blur.
Love is a paw swinging at the clumsy, dog oaf,
Love is a skinny string bean, and a curled up, fat, cat loaf,
All curled up in your lap, smiling, purring,
Love is a feline blessing.
Love is jumping up to open all the doors and know what's going on all the time,
Love is "hating" each other, yet being partners in crime.
Love is curling up in your lap while you're on the toilet,
Love is having it's own blanket, crotchet.
Love is going outside and being an asshole who won't come back 'till after you call their names,
Love is having several nicknames.
Love is cursing you out under their breath,
Love is worrying, every time they go outside, they'll face death.
Love is jumping and snarling at a favorite string.
Love is running,
Love is cunning,
Love is biting,
Love is scratching,
Love is fighting,
Love is sweet,
Love is neat,
Love is humorous,
Love is precious,
Love is messy,
Love is heavy,
Love is picky,
Love is finicky,
Love is my Frankie Whiskers, and my Gumby.
Written by Orc_Pirate_68
(Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell)
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