World Poetry Day
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17535
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17535
Poetry Contest Description
For Country and Poem in one sentence

Today is World Poetry Day. You have one week to describe poetry in just one sentence. The sentence can be as long or short as you like, pending it's a proper sentence.
Visual entries permitted.
The best description takes home the trophy for your country!
Spilled red and blue - solid yet anew
It’s bricks
and clouds
and trees
and bees,
and glee
melting into
an earthly
cauldron of
spit and
and clouds
and trees
and bees,
and glee
melting into
an earthly
cauldron of
spit and
Written by Tallen
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17535
Tyrant of Words

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Joined 5th Nov 2014
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Tyrant of Words

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Poetry Rhymes Some Times
It feels like a crime albeit a victimless crime
Feeling like I have got a mountain to climb
This is more than a hobby or a simple pastime
I can’t even show you through the medium of mime
This mission is turning into a Christmas pantomime
I’ve already went from the ridiculous to the sublime
And despite my clock sounding the loudest chime
I’m afraid it’s now clear that I don’t have the time
I’ve got no time for show time, for old time or curtain time
I haven’t got full time, part time, double time or mean time
I’ve no day time, night time, nap time or bed time
Meal time, lunch time, dinner, tea or supper time
I need prime time, air time, big time or small time
A life time of double time, triple time and overtime
I need a good reaction time, just once in a life time
Quick time, two time fast paced ragtime, sometime
In Spring time, Summer time, Autumn time or Winter time
I could even use half time or, if I must, quality family time
There is just never enough time
And I can’t spare any more time
In order to make this poem rhyme
Feeling like I have got a mountain to climb
This is more than a hobby or a simple pastime
I can’t even show you through the medium of mime
This mission is turning into a Christmas pantomime
I’ve already went from the ridiculous to the sublime
And despite my clock sounding the loudest chime
I’m afraid it’s now clear that I don’t have the time
I’ve got no time for show time, for old time or curtain time
I haven’t got full time, part time, double time or mean time
I’ve no day time, night time, nap time or bed time
Meal time, lunch time, dinner, tea or supper time
I need prime time, air time, big time or small time
A life time of double time, triple time and overtime
I need a good reaction time, just once in a life time
Quick time, two time fast paced ragtime, sometime
In Spring time, Summer time, Autumn time or Winter time
I could even use half time or, if I must, quality family time
There is just never enough time
And I can’t spare any more time
In order to make this poem rhyme
Written by David_Macleod
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Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 749
Poetry Is...
Poetry is language
unravelled, unfettered,
unfaltered, unwound,
poetry sees itself as all things
in reaching, teaching,
leaning toward the light
in guiding a promise to
garner insight,
poetry is letting go
of the you that everyone knows,
poetry is you unmasked,
from within your emerging past,
a full circle of finding yourself
ending where you began
writing your name for the
first time,
who knew you had volumes
hidden inside..
unravelled, unfettered,
unfaltered, unwound,
poetry sees itself as all things
in reaching, teaching,
leaning toward the light
in guiding a promise to
garner insight,
poetry is letting go
of the you that everyone knows,
poetry is you unmasked,
from within your emerging past,
a full circle of finding yourself
ending where you began
writing your name for the
first time,
who knew you had volumes
hidden inside..
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17535
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17535
Thank you, Tallen and PR. I truly enjoyed your entries.
Just a reminder comp guidelines require you
to describe poetry in just one sentence. The sentence can be as long or short as you like, pending it's a proper sentence.
Thank you.
Just a reminder comp guidelines require you
to describe poetry in just one sentence. The sentence can be as long or short as you like, pending it's a proper sentence.
Thank you.
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Poetry Is Everything
Poetry is like a language
we become familiar with
over time, letting words
emerge on paper and fill
the blank spaces, leaving
room for thoughts to
expand and blossom into
something beautiful and
sweet like when flowers
attract bees and poetry is
essential like the oxygen
we breathe in every
minute of every day, that
is what poetry is as we let
it take us to a place a lot
of us are calling home.
we become familiar with
over time, letting words
emerge on paper and fill
the blank spaces, leaving
room for thoughts to
expand and blossom into
something beautiful and
sweet like when flowers
attract bees and poetry is
essential like the oxygen
we breathe in every
minute of every day, that
is what poetry is as we let
it take us to a place a lot
of us are calling home.
Written by eswaller
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The breath of life given to;
thoughts, emotions, memories;
at the tips of pens, taps of a keys,
the timbre of a shy or confident voice
that moves mind, body, and soul
of those across the world.
thoughts, emotions, memories;
at the tips of pens, taps of a keys,
the timbre of a shy or confident voice
that moves mind, body, and soul
of those across the world.
Written by Bonzi
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Joined 22nd Jan 2017
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Tyrant of Words

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We Write
Living out our dreams and fantasies, letting go of our pains and sufferings,
we write to make things seem right.
Written by JusTim_
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Joined 4th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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Joined 11th Aug 2012
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Tyrant of Words

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Emulsifying thoughts
with real words and
deeply complex feelings
creates the best poetry
in the world.
Emulsifying thoughts
with real words and
deeply complex feelings
creates the best poetry
in the world.

Joined 14th June 2017
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Tyrant of Words

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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

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