Poetry competition CLOSED 16th December 2018 8:08pm
View Profile Poems by Heaven_sent_Kathy
RUNNERS-UP: Erotic_Goddess and SeaEntity1

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To Love Myself

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 14



I like myself
I like myself more
than anyone else
I know. I’ll never love me.
I’m aware of what love does

I would give my all
until there is nothing left
of my heart.
when that’s not enough

would he let me go?
could we go back?
would I be able to
run past that bench
he ate every donut, without pain?
could I love
another? would
he let someone else in
having known
I wasn’t enough for me?

bydk 12/05/18
Written by bydk
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Each writer born must have a muse,    
Or so I’m told, for if they do,  
And if they should, do they know how    
To let it in or haven’t found    
A way to hear it whispering    
Like mine, who tells me everything,    
And always watches after me    
To heed the way I ramble free.    
For years before I touched a pen,    
It’s always loved the little wren    
That plays, and sees me in this way,    
Both in the dark and light of day.    
And when I don’t know what to say,  
It doesn’t coddle me per se.  
In fact the muse is very wise    
Unlike myself when I surmise,    
And get in trouble; to the point,    
For when it sees I’m out of joint    
It doesn’t wear dark robes to judge    
Or let’s me hang, it doesn’t budge.    
And never does it find me dull,    
To serve a life without a lull;    
This poet’s mind is very full    
And that’s because the brain is mine.    
No other like it will you find;    
I never seek, or gravitate.    
Just like the charge it motivates,    
The muse is on my family tree;    
A special branch some will agree.    
For what it knows is every truth    
Since time of birth & from my youth,    
It doesn’t need to pull a tooth.    
It doesn’t care for rational,    
It loves me unconditional.    
From rising moon to setting sun    
The Muse, the Mind & I are One.

Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Thanks for your entries, Bender, Miss_Sub, takis, bydk and Jade.

Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177

I Know Now

I'm calm beneath the ridges of myself,
A hobo with a knapsack on a limb.
The sheltering of bridges passing o'er,
I go back on the road and walk with Him.

To feel the breezes fingering my hair,
I love connecting with the common folk.
The sounds of strings & voice attending me
As women stoke the stoves of rising smoke.

And know that He is watching from the fields,
I sit at table sharing local fare.
We reach to take each other by the hand,
To bow our heads in thanks; a simple prayer.

I take my leave to join Him for our talk,
For when it's time as all prepare to sleep.
Beneath the trees His eyes shine with His love,
While end of day the gentle shades go deep.

He lifts me up with words to give me peace,
Before I go retire for the night.
To teach me everyday just what He means,
The love I give myself is from His light.

I wash my face and pack my earthly sack,
For as the early morning starts to rise,
I join my Lord back on the dusty road.
I know that I am loved through humbled eyes.
Written by Heaven_sent_Kathy
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Thanks for your entry, Kathy.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 2awards
Joined 5th Oct 2015
Forum Posts: 109

Find a way

Everything I like I loathe you see
I'm my own worst enemy
I'm full of advice that I can't heed
I'm full of love that no-one needs
My hearts on my sleeve but I'm wearing a vest
But I give it my all I always try my best
I over love and I over think
I get depressed and I over drink
I don't even know what I'm trying to say
But I do prevail I find a way
Written by cheesa
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Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Souris Pour Moi

(Smile For Me)

Where have you gone my feisty little princess?
Your vigor and zest all but a shadow of what was once.
How I long for the smile that comes despite the hunger?

I missed those times when you can sleep dreamless;
When you can run and chase yellow fireflies without care,
And those moments when you can just cry without hiding.

Are you still there, burning dimly somewhere within me?
The rough passage and heated crucible wiped your innocence,
Or is it just your ignorance and foolishness that got taken away?

Will time be so kind to let you out before memories turns to Grey,
Faded and becomes clouded with illusions of youth amidst...
The brittle bone and dim eyesight of the altered wisdom of old?

If you can hear my plea, please answer me, let me feel you,
And once more be you, if not, like you just a little bit.
When no one is looking and I feel blue, fire up my torch within.

Let me see the road where I walk, even how muddy and steep,
Ease my journey, let me breathe in your golden essence again —
That child in me, stay alive and continue to remind me...

Not to be afraid of green monsters inside my head.
For delusions are for the sleeping, and I am still awake.
Not to waste a single effort you had made,
For everything counts, and I am not done collecting.
Not to forget that your choices were mine as well,
For whatever it was, it made me who I am, and still becoming.
To never lose hope and continue on living,
With a heart full of courage.

Let me look at you with my brown eyes under the shadows...
Of many sundowns and moon rises, of tides that ebbed and splashed.
To feel humbled with a gracious heart for the way things had turned.

Despite the many challenges of the road you had traveled
Of the many crossroads and fork roads you had chosen to take
I am here still hoping, not without scars, but all the better for it.

Keep smiling, and I will remember as I walk ahead.

Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Thanks for your entries, cheesa and OxyMoronicMe.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 10th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 31


Friends say I'm a happy bloke
I smile and I laugh; always a joke
But look through that into my eyes  
See beyond the artifice and disguise
This facade, this screen of smoke
What lies beneath will make you choke
For life isn't always what it appears
I will not go on so save your tears
In public the persona is aloof and austere
Voice authoritative, measured and clear
Privately a loving and soulful man
Who cares for his friends the best he can
And this is what I hold dear to my heart
Friendship, love and memories 'til I 'part
Written by DawnRaider (Dr)
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Thanks for your entry, DawnRaider.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 9th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 53

Me myself and I

Oh you think you fell from the sky
You can no longer make me cry
You thought I was your tool
Because you been such a fool
You think you were so cool
Trying to throw me in that pool
How could you be so cruel
I love myself more than you
I love myself and that is why
Its time to say bye bye
I need no other to satisfy
I just need me myself and I
Written by Selosa67
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Thanks for your entry, Selosa.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879

Good Vibes

I’ll never claim to be self-righteous,
But many a times I’ve made a sacrifice,
And though it may have gone unnoticed,
Several times I’ve had to pay the price.
I’m the most flawed person that I know,
After mistakes I carried guilt for very long,
And though at times it was hard to let go,
I try doing good deeds to right the wrong.
I slow down and pause to really reflect,
Learning to forget and forgive myself,
Letting go of anger that leads to nothing,
Always trying to improve and love myself.
If I put good vibes into the universe so I’m told,
It will come back to me twice, if not three-fold.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Thanks for your entry, wallyroo. I enjoyed reading your poem and the rhymes you've used. I've got good vibes from it. ;)

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

I would like to thank everyone for participating in my competition. This is one of the more personal competitions I've created, and I enjoyed reading all of your poems and seeing you all in a more intimate light. Sadly, I can only select 1 winner and 2 runner-ups. Honestly, I'd choose you all if I could.

Congratulations to Heaven_sent_Kathy for winning my competition. I particularly appreciated the religious theme you've implemented, and how we are are loved despite our flaws, (by God or a human). Well done!

Congratulations to the runner-ups, Erotic_Goddess and SeaEntity1. I enjoyed your poems very much.

For those of you who haven't checked out my other competition, "A Picture Holds A Thousand Words #4", I encourage you to do so.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas, and I'll see you all around here on DUP.

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