Poetry competition CLOSED 26th November 2018 10:25pm
SatInUGal (Kumar)
View Profile Poems by SatInUGal

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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Open Mind

Waking up every morning,

To the prospect of a new day.

Leaves me with an uncontrollable yearning,

To accomplish everything I want before my imagination goes away.

My open mind allows me no rest,

Until my dreams come true.

There's no room for mistakes; I'm filled with stress,

Your blissful ignorance is the only thing that I envy in you.

My open mind grants me the view,

Of the ever expanding big picture.

To question the facts believed to be true,

With no proof, and yet of which you are so sure.

Going to sleep every night,

Satisfied after a productive day.

Allows my spark to once more ignite,

And be mine to forever stay.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

A New Hello

My life has changed, since the moment I said goodbye;
I thought it'd be difficult, yet I feel like I can fly.
No longer will I be trapped in the unwanted memory;
And feel the pain that comes with the misery.
With this farewell, comes a new hello;
Because I was strong enough to let go.
I've got my whole life ahead of me;
Now that I have no emotional chains tying me.
To your toxic atmosphere and your constant blame;
Things have now changed, for I'm no longer the same.
I'm a completely different person;
My very being is now in unison.
There is only me, myself and I;
No longer will I ever cry.
Over a parasite that feeds on my happiness;
I refuse to be held prisoner in your suffocating darkness.
A new hello was definitely in store;
Why settle for less with you, when I can get more?
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540


When the sun’s rays go to sleep,
And our hearts are free from grief;
The starlight appears and glows,
And we know that we are home.
The love we have warms our tired souls,
When connected with others it make us whole;
And the wind caresses my hair,
When I call for you, I know you’re there.  
In a land where light never fades,
A place where dawn transitions to day;
And the soil is fertile and warm,
A place where bonds can never be torn.  
The sun and moon shall always dance,
Up in the sky to bloom their romance;
We on Earth are lively and free,
Across the lands and the seven seas.  
From the starlight comes our hope,
Special beings that warm our souls;
And they show what we’ve always known,
The golden path that leads us on, to our true home.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Crimson Dawn

Like a newborn Phoenix  
I rose from the ashes of despair  
I have my crimson angel to thank for that  
With eyes the color of a shifting sea  
And silken locks that burn with the sun's rays  
His very soul glows in magnificent radiance  
He is the fire that roars within me  
I'm completely powerless against his pull  
I'm empty and cold without his warmth  
He is the crimson dawn that brings life to a colorless night  
He was my beginning, he is my present  
And he will be my end.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Alive in Memory

Verse 1
They say a picture holds a thousand words,
A simple smile can heal what hurts;
I’m completely powerless against his pull,
He breathed life back into my soul.
We were a perfect match,
No matter what, our love would last;
His heartfelt kisses eased my doubts,
We’ll never burnt out.
You may not always be with me,
But you’ll be alive in my memory.
And I love to watch you sleep,
While the world is unaware, and I have you all to me;
And I treasure every laugh and smile,
Please stay with me for a while.
Verse 2
With eyes the color of a shifting sea,
Soft lullaby in tune with my heartbeat;
His very soul glows in magnificent radiance,
This sensation is so alien.
I’m empty and cold without his warmth,
He was my anchor during the raging storm;
I know I love him, and my life is complete,
As we become one when he makes love to me.
Written by LunasChild8
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Tyrant of Words
United States 156awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1884

A Happy Heart

I get lost in those smiles,
Like tender moments etched in my memory,
With an everlasting emotion,
As if I have strayed pensively into a revery.
And there I find my happiness,
In a solitude of thoughts and contemplations,
Thanking my lucky stars,
That this love has been beyond all expectations.
So there I glance and stare,
Feeling so blessed to have lived in this lifetime,
Delighted to be right here,
With a happy heart for these loves of mine.
And still, I got lost those smiles.

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