Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd November 2018 10:44pm
RUNNERS-UP: snugglebuck and Danger_Dale

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Talking about a revolution

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1868

Nice rap poem, Danger_Dale; Josh.

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1868


The Strangler’s Fig
loaded dotage on the cart -
declared the bumpy ride
as merely part-of-the-art.

Honest punters were confused.
Smart punters, talking in double-clicks
conned and fleeced them
claiming meritocracy gave them the right.

Dismissing real questions as ‘fake-news’ or ‘anti-semitic’
the Strangler prowled relentlessly along the border
enacting his routine, not caring a fig
as the Star-Spangled Spanner tightened the terror

strangling humanity, backed by the Union Jack’s
flack-jacketed grab-attack mentality -
and ripping children from their parents’ arms
one by one the pure-in-heart fell to the ground

stressed out in cognitive dissonance, traumatised,
whilst oligarch’s honey lapped around their ankles.
And always, always, always behind the scenes
you will find men in dark pyramids, plotting evil

pulling the strings and making it all look as if
it was merely an unfortunate and random-inevitable glitch in history.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 30th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 43


6 in the morning arrived and brought
a chill moon to vienna courtyards;
diseased germans sang as they
flew chairs thru windows that made hollow
shells of synagogues, leaving only
glass shards and goose step echoes.
Pieces of the Torah and
pews were disgorged by laughing, clapping
cretins wearing black and brown, leading
a nation of congenital killers only too
anxious to continue
till 6 million Jews were no more
soap, lampshades, subjects of obscene medical “experiments”,
mountains of emaciated corpses, slave laborers, sources of gold teeth and gas victims before allowing these innocents to escape -as smoke- thru chimneys.
From 1860 to 1936 the germans instigated three major wars;
The complainant at the bar of justice is mankind.
Civilization will never forget; german criminals have been expelled from humanity.
In perpetual memory of all those murdered
of every race, creed and color
and to those who gave selflessly
to excise the malignant growth of the murderers.

die deutschen sind das Unglück der Welt.

                                                                              Writer-ER  2018
Written by write_er (Write-er)
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poet Anonymous

Thank you to those who have posted up to now. I am truly reading some marvellous ink.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
poet Anonymous

Thank you T_V_

Sahaj Sabharwal
Strange Creature
Joined 1st Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 2


Minors are those less than eighteen,  
As they don't have knowledge in keen.
They don't have a driving licence,  
As don't have driving sense.
Minors are given just pen and page,  
Their life is not more than a cage.  
Holiday is not given even on sundays,
As their age is negligible for fundays.
Parents are worried not to get blame,
From minors they just want their fame.
Circumstances are same for every minor,
Parents are just their life designer.  
                  -Sahaj Sabharwal.
                  -Chowk Chabutra,  
                          -11th Class.
Delhi Public School, Jammu #India #Poem #Jammu #sahajsabharwal12345 #DelhiPublicSchool #DpsJammu
Written by SahajSabharwal (Sahaj Sabharwal)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875

Take A Stand

Somewhere between greed and ignorance,
To the right there’s no changing their mind,
They don’t evolve so stand in the way of progress,
Fueled by fear they fail to see they’ve gone blind.
Hate becomes the underlying agenda of the elite,
With discreet tactics to raise fear and alarm,
And many still sightless fail for their scheme,
Like sheep never seeing their own harm.

Then strategies become more obvious and blatant,
Revealing their true color to the masses,
Yet somehow they still fall for their scheme,
They got those big sticks stuck up their asses.
Then they use religion as a basis for their claims,
They think they’re righteous but they’re perverse,
Because those in power cause the most damage,
Their greed breeds more greed and only gets worse.

Have we not learned our lessons from history?
Those who take too much power become a threat,
Because the masses will stand up for what’s just,
Remember what happened to Marie Antoinette?

But there is a revolution brewing, rising in the horizon,
Like a storm of truth and fairness for the common man,
Because if there is nothing left (and that isn’t right)
The revolt will be poetic when the people take a stand.

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2017
Forum Posts: 945

Parts Of Thought

Part #1  
True Wisdom is knowing for every honest answer of life  
there are at least two intelligent questions.
Part #2  
For every proclaimed correct answer given  
there is a fool offering it.
Part #3...….How We Choose To Dwell  
I built a house/a home, with stout walls and roof, anchored firmly in the foundation of my beliefs.  
Wishing not to dwell in darkness, holes were cut to let in the light, yet windows placed to shield from the dark.  
Doors were installed to welcome those who come in peace, either to visit or seek shelter, and if they choose to stay, it should be with the understanding they must toil along side me to maintain the integrity of our structure.  
We understand, yet will resist those who seek to steal the material of our home, whether from within or without, knowing that when too many stones are removed, our abode crumbles and no one is protected from the hatred which looms in our surroundings.    
though we may fuss, fight, and shed blood amongst ourselves we should not speak for those with whom we do not live, but only offer the blueprints from which we built.  
Written by Amorous_tryst
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poet Anonymous

My congratulations to T_V_Walker and both runners up. Fantastic poems. But I want to thank all of those who have participated in this contest. Truly excellent poems. Thanks for being here. Juvenalis

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Fun competition.👌
Congrats to Walker & Dale.👏
And a big thanks to Juvinalis for sponsoring such a thoughtful comp.  We need more social/political competitions like this.👍

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