Poetry competition CLOSED 6th November 2018 2:00am
hgnichols (Harry Nichols)
View Profile Poems by hgnichols
RUNNERS-UP: AstralLeeWilson and DawnRaider

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What is your deepest desire?

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

Scarlet Ribbons

Scarlet Ribbons
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 10th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 31


I dreamt about you
again last night
how you felt
Cradled in my arms
snug and warm
The way you looked
Raven hair cascaded
across my pillow
pale blue eyes
alert and watchful

I dream about you
my senses revived
by our conversations
of art and poetry
lusting and loving
needs satisfying
this time so short
spent together
intense yet fulfilling
both body and soul
Written by DawnRaider (Dr)
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Chris Pleasures
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 31

My Muse

With kind intentions providing great inspiration for my many creations. She is my muse, the woman whom fuels my artistic tools. Supporting my every move, but hidden in the shadows is what she choose. Not in sight but nothing I can do. So I write from the early morning days to the dark late nights in hopes she steps out into the light and reads more than just the words I write, analyzing the deeper meaning of what I'm meaning. To actually see beyond the greys and blues within me.
Written by Chris_Pleasures (Chris Pleasures)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897

Works of Art

I want to make my verses come alive,
Like a fire rising, feel the burn and sting,
I have craved to touch the human spirit,
And my expressions reach those listening.

I have longed to make my reader swoon,
Cry and laugh, maybe even both all at once,
Grasp new feelings never known before,
Like a voice calling but without response.

I have wished for the most precious gift,
To explain the basics of this abstract notion,
In the most tender and truly loving way,
To convey human passion and emotion.

But my deepest desire,
Is to be the kind of writer,
Whose words will one day transcend time and space,
To leave great works of art
That touch the soul and heart,
And then like tragedy, I’ll disappear without a trace.

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