Poetry competition CLOSED 5th June 2018 8:11am

and LunasChild8
Joined 2nd Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
Poetry Contest Description
Make A Poem That Is Positive & Bright. Motivational or something.
In a world with a lot of sadness (not that I’m not a part of it though), let’s do something different and make something positive and uplifting.

The Last Laugh
When he bursts,
it doesn’t come from lungs
or through the nose
delivered discreetly
behind a waiting hand
it arrives from the gut
through a tobacconists wheeze
where once there was silence,
now filled with the bellyache
of mindless guffawing.
I’ve never known a laugh
make me smile quite as much
as when Germany bellows it
out loud, announcing his place
at my table of happiness
or when he begins crying
at his own joke told hours ago
as he becomes helpless,
how I can’t hold my own face
as I give in to pure joy
and I wish I could write everyday
his infectious roars from the soul;
how it lights up our dark spaces
as if black boots and walls
never existed.
When he bursts,
it doesn’t come from lungs
or through the nose
delivered discreetly
behind a waiting hand
it arrives from the gut
through a tobacconists wheeze
where once there was silence,
now filled with the bellyache
of mindless guffawing.
I’ve never known a laugh
make me smile quite as much
as when Germany bellows it
out loud, announcing his place
at my table of happiness
or when he begins crying
at his own joke told hours ago
as he becomes helpless,
how I can’t hold my own face
as I give in to pure joy
and I wish I could write everyday
his infectious roars from the soul;
how it lights up our dark spaces
as if black boots and walls
never existed.

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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
Hi there! I really like the idea of your competition, but I do have some questions. How many entries are we allowed? Does it have to be new or old?
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Infinity of Positivity
Today there are clouds just behind the sun
And tomorrow there is going to be a light
At the end of the tunnel. Just run and run
Away from the negative doubts. The flight
That you used to be afraid to take is taking
You to the heavens and beyond. The amen
Is what you ache for and you are mistaking
The pain you think will last forever when
The big truth is that it is all only temporary.
The sadness and disappointment you carry
Around like weights slowly disappearing like
The stormy sky. The smiles and laughter you
Used to keep hidden comes back like a strike
Of good fortune. Everything will come back to
The surface of the sparkling water you tried
To tamper down just like the tears you cried
Were trying to be wiped away so no one would
See you in all your weakest moments. I could
Never understand why anyone would pretend
Like there was no single strand of positivity
Left. Darling, you are the perfect mix and blend
Of everything good in this world. You are infinity.
And tomorrow there is going to be a light
At the end of the tunnel. Just run and run
Away from the negative doubts. The flight
That you used to be afraid to take is taking
You to the heavens and beyond. The amen
Is what you ache for and you are mistaking
The pain you think will last forever when
The big truth is that it is all only temporary.
The sadness and disappointment you carry
Around like weights slowly disappearing like
The stormy sky. The smiles and laughter you
Used to keep hidden comes back like a strike
Of good fortune. Everything will come back to
The surface of the sparkling water you tried
To tamper down just like the tears you cried
Were trying to be wiped away so no one would
See you in all your weakest moments. I could
Never understand why anyone would pretend
Like there was no single strand of positivity
Left. Darling, you are the perfect mix and blend
Of everything good in this world. You are infinity.
Written by eswaller
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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
Dawn of Tomorrow
I hear your calling in the wind
And my soul leaps in joy
I feel so warm deep within
When you set the sails and shout “ahoy.”
The ocean waves are at peace
And the sun lights up my world
The stars guide my voyage across the sea
Your soul is far more precious than any pearl.
Like the seagulls I cry out loud
As I’m freed from all my sorrow
I stand upon my ship, tall and proud
My hope lies with the dawn of tomorrow.
After many years we meet at last
Upon the golden sands of a tropical island
Looking into your eyes, a spell has been cast
Those blue orbs outshine any diamond.
My pain fades with your smile
As my soul sparks to life once more
I’d like to stay here for a while
And walk with you along the Maldivian shore.
Like the seagulls I cry out loud
As I’m freed from all my sorrow
I stand upon my ship, tall and proud
My hope lies with the dawn of tomorrow.
And my soul leaps in joy
I feel so warm deep within
When you set the sails and shout “ahoy.”
The ocean waves are at peace
And the sun lights up my world
The stars guide my voyage across the sea
Your soul is far more precious than any pearl.
Like the seagulls I cry out loud
As I’m freed from all my sorrow
I stand upon my ship, tall and proud
My hope lies with the dawn of tomorrow.
After many years we meet at last
Upon the golden sands of a tropical island
Looking into your eyes, a spell has been cast
Those blue orbs outshine any diamond.
My pain fades with your smile
As my soul sparks to life once more
I’d like to stay here for a while
And walk with you along the Maldivian shore.
Like the seagulls I cry out loud
As I’m freed from all my sorrow
I stand upon my ship, tall and proud
My hope lies with the dawn of tomorrow.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
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Dangerous Mind

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A New Hello
My life has changed, since the moment I said goodbye;
I thought it'd be difficult, yet I feel like I can fly.
No longer will I be trapped in the unwanted memory;
And feel the pain that comes with the misery.
With this farewell, comes a new hello;
Because I was strong enough to let go.
I've got my whole life ahead of me;
Now that I have no emotional chains tying me.
To your toxic atmosphere and your constant blame;
Things have now changed, for I'm no longer the same.
I'm a completely different person;
My very being is now in unison.
There is only me, myself and I;
No longer will I ever cry.
Over a parasite that feeds on my happiness;
I refuse to be held prisoner in your suffocating darkness.
A new hello was definitely in store;
Why settle for less with you, when I can get more?
I thought it'd be difficult, yet I feel like I can fly.
No longer will I be trapped in the unwanted memory;
And feel the pain that comes with the misery.
With this farewell, comes a new hello;
Because I was strong enough to let go.
I've got my whole life ahead of me;
Now that I have no emotional chains tying me.
To your toxic atmosphere and your constant blame;
Things have now changed, for I'm no longer the same.
I'm a completely different person;
My very being is now in unison.
There is only me, myself and I;
No longer will I ever cry.
Over a parasite that feeds on my happiness;
I refuse to be held prisoner in your suffocating darkness.
A new hello was definitely in store;
Why settle for less with you, when I can get more?
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 540
Only in My Dreams
Only in my dreams am I truly at peace,
The moon is my constant companion;
My sweet Luna brings light to the darkest of nights,
Her soft glow lulls me to sleep.
Only in my dreams am I my true self,
I can be stripped of my dignity and face no persecution;
My body and soul are bared to be seen,
Yet I have no shame.
Only in my dreams am I truly happy,
My imagination reignites and runs wild;
My soul departs my body in search of adventure,
In the blink of an eye the universe is within my grasp.
Only in my dreams am I complete,
Love, peace and wisdom are the Holy Trinity;
Symbols flash before my eyes,
My mind translates their messages effortlessly.
Only in my dreams can I achieve anything,
Self-doubt and fear fade away into nothing;
I can be Superwoman, or I can be a dragon,
Or I could be at peace in your loving arms.
The moon is my constant companion;
My sweet Luna brings light to the darkest of nights,
Her soft glow lulls me to sleep.
Only in my dreams am I my true self,
I can be stripped of my dignity and face no persecution;
My body and soul are bared to be seen,
Yet I have no shame.
Only in my dreams am I truly happy,
My imagination reignites and runs wild;
My soul departs my body in search of adventure,
In the blink of an eye the universe is within my grasp.
Only in my dreams am I complete,
Love, peace and wisdom are the Holy Trinity;
Symbols flash before my eyes,
My mind translates their messages effortlessly.
Only in my dreams can I achieve anything,
Self-doubt and fear fade away into nothing;
I can be Superwoman, or I can be a dragon,
Or I could be at peace in your loving arms.
Written by LunasChild8
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Joined 5th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 72
The mirror Is a liar telling you you don't look daper
If you don't put something on to make yourself feel better
The inner you gets tricked it becomes a follower
Of the superficial layer which is facing the mirror
You think the mirror is your friend and your enemy
But the truth is your confidence is your friend and your enemy is your insecurity
So the mirror is the shadow not the light
When you know that you will be bright
To know what you look like and who you are at sight
Not to get confused when you see your reflection and gasp
As If people staring back at you with rejection in there eyes
And nodding there heads side to side.
If you don't put something on to make yourself feel better
The inner you gets tricked it becomes a follower
Of the superficial layer which is facing the mirror
You think the mirror is your friend and your enemy
But the truth is your confidence is your friend and your enemy is your insecurity
So the mirror is the shadow not the light
When you know that you will be bright
To know what you look like and who you are at sight
Not to get confused when you see your reflection and gasp
As If people staring back at you with rejection in there eyes
And nodding there heads side to side.
Written by LUUH19
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Joined 5th Aug 2014
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Thought Provoker
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If Music Is Wrong, I Don't Want To Be Right
Can't live without it
Imagining hurts cause what I see is
Indolence mutts groveling in the bushes
In the shadows of buildings waiting for it to return
Not know if it's day or night
drowning in fright we hide till we hear it.
Reborn we birth from the sullen burial grave site
When the music sucker punch's our gut
Butterflies emerge cleansing our stink
We hum and twirl, jump and run
A capricious spirit evolve us to feel
A psychedelic world with rainbow notes everywhere
We venerate music that starts with seven
And transform to infinity, oh the power.
Imagining hurts cause what I see is
Indolence mutts groveling in the bushes
In the shadows of buildings waiting for it to return
Not know if it's day or night
drowning in fright we hide till we hear it.
Reborn we birth from the sullen burial grave site
When the music sucker punch's our gut
Butterflies emerge cleansing our stink
We hum and twirl, jump and run
A capricious spirit evolve us to feel
A psychedelic world with rainbow notes everywhere
We venerate music that starts with seven
And transform to infinity, oh the power.
Written by LUUH19
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Joined 5th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 72
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 72
Look Up At Nature's Paintings
when I come and see at the moment the sun bows down at the end of his play
when the curtains close by the mountains
his stretched hands going slowly as he dims down
not to go quickly
the blue sky, the clouds throw roses at his feet
to let him know they loved every second of it
his hands slips slowly between their fingertips
the mountains fade from a distance joining the background, gray
the sky changes colors, gets invaded by darkness
out of the darkness come distant relatives
twinkling in the sky, it is showered by them
but one is closer, a prodigy of the sun
a ying to the sun which she glows in the dark
as she comes out of her hiding
to show off her acting
giving us her smile
when we see her we are in aw
when i finally go to bed and open my curtains
there she will be giving me a good night kiss
my eyes have no purpose but to see this magnificence
no better scene than nature's actors.
when the curtains close by the mountains
his stretched hands going slowly as he dims down
not to go quickly
the blue sky, the clouds throw roses at his feet
to let him know they loved every second of it
his hands slips slowly between their fingertips
the mountains fade from a distance joining the background, gray
the sky changes colors, gets invaded by darkness
out of the darkness come distant relatives
twinkling in the sky, it is showered by them
but one is closer, a prodigy of the sun
a ying to the sun which she glows in the dark
as she comes out of her hiding
to show off her acting
giving us her smile
when we see her we are in aw
when i finally go to bed and open my curtains
there she will be giving me a good night kiss
my eyes have no purpose but to see this magnificence
no better scene than nature's actors.
Written by LUUH19
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geoff cat
Joined 27th Nov 2015
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geoff cat
Dangerous Mind

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(a nursery sonnet)
Her keepers called her cage her “habitat,”
And she was queen of her two block domain.
Kept court in summer shade, his regent cat,
Old Tom was "jester" of his tiger’s reign.
Old Tom, would watch her grandly regal stalk,
As she would pace to gain the humans’ stare.
Old Tom would stride and match her walk for walk,
As she would smile to watch his strutting there.
But cold in winter’s bleak, she’d barely stir.
These frigid rains that made her feel so sick,
So lost, then came a rustle in her fur.
It was Old Tom with nip and tug and lick.
Old Tom would stay and play with her awhile,
He always seemed to prod his tiger’s smile.
Her keepers called her cage her “habitat,”
And she was queen of her two block domain.
Kept court in summer shade, his regent cat,
Old Tom was "jester" of his tiger’s reign.
Old Tom, would watch her grandly regal stalk,
As she would pace to gain the humans’ stare.
Old Tom would stride and match her walk for walk,
As she would smile to watch his strutting there.
But cold in winter’s bleak, she’d barely stir.
These frigid rains that made her feel so sick,
So lost, then came a rustle in her fur.
It was Old Tom with nip and tug and lick.
Old Tom would stay and play with her awhile,
He always seemed to prod his tiger’s smile.
Written by Hepcat61
(geoff cat)
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Joined 11th July 2015
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Fire of Insight

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Pit Of Cherry
would I be
without you
my sweets an
infusion of warmth
the blush upon my cheeks
the vibrancy of me
tips of pearl
we are flying high
these outer skies soaring
deep the forrested valley's beneath
clouds and
dodging rainbows
laughing as cupid aims his bow
of sunlight
always peeking
out from my shadow
of the lost
my wee bitty bit
we've been found
you and I forever bound
Written by SURVIVOR
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