OH... Tainted Love!
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
Dammit Woman!
Bitter corresponding
fluid brunette
Your lyrics course
from side to side
My cognizance
the ravenous
of us
That twinkling
we comprehend
the fracture
a dismal
Written by RevolutionAL
(Alistair Plint)
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Joined 14th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3
Strange Creature

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Maze of Ambivalences
I was gone with the wind of life
lost to the world
a drop of wine in a sea
never to be salvaged
and tasteless I became
You, one like the rains that fall on a sunny day
I got soaked because of the illusive beauty of the rainbow
dancing to the soft spatter of the droplets
but come tomorrow, I was cradled in my sickbed
beauty of the rainbow vanished with my health
As the petals fall from a once beautiful rose
remember my demise
like the rain soaks the earth
I soaked my pillow with muffled cries and woes
while you dined in my agony
When the fires burns savagely
remember I was pained
like the wood, I waned
warming your bed of lies
afraid to let go of the illusion
Amidst the storm
remember my poor heart
that tried to turn to stone
every time I laid in your bed
cuddled by the lies you wove
scented by the sweet nothings of your empty promises
As you experience day and night
remember what we used to be
with beauty and glory
the beauty of atmospheric phenomenon
forgotten with dread of emerging harsh gales
And as day and night comes
while the fire smolders
storms come
I relate to the broken pieces within
and broken I remain
lost to the world
a drop of wine in a sea
never to be salvaged
and tasteless I became
You, one like the rains that fall on a sunny day
I got soaked because of the illusive beauty of the rainbow
dancing to the soft spatter of the droplets
but come tomorrow, I was cradled in my sickbed
beauty of the rainbow vanished with my health
As the petals fall from a once beautiful rose
remember my demise
like the rain soaks the earth
I soaked my pillow with muffled cries and woes
while you dined in my agony
When the fires burns savagely
remember I was pained
like the wood, I waned
warming your bed of lies
afraid to let go of the illusion
Amidst the storm
remember my poor heart
that tried to turn to stone
every time I laid in your bed
cuddled by the lies you wove
scented by the sweet nothings of your empty promises
As you experience day and night
remember what we used to be
with beauty and glory
the beauty of atmospheric phenomenon
forgotten with dread of emerging harsh gales
And as day and night comes
while the fire smolders
storms come
I relate to the broken pieces within
and broken I remain
Written by _certified_
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Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Like No Other Love
I sprint away from him
To take the chance at last,
The night is cool and dim
Sidewalk of overcast.
It shoots up through my seams
And jars within my brain,
I'm silent in my screams
He loved to hear the pain.
And did all that he could
And told me what he'd do
No matter if I would
Believe in what I knew.
Obeying every want
I never satisfied
His dark sadistic haunt
Would threaten if I lied.
To hunt me like a dog
His little trophy slut,
Not worthy of his 'love',
A litany of faults
For everyone to hear
All through the neighborhood,
There was no other one
He claimed who had his heart.
Was like no other love
He'd given just to me.
And even though I stayed
In hopes that he might feel,
Remembering the past
The way it used to be,
It disappeared so fast
When soon the threats to me.
The mental torture came
When he would leave each day,
And lock me in to tame
His little runaway.
With places where he hid
The fetish things he plied
Upon my nakedness,
No clothes did he abide.
While I was kept inside
My mind would start to bend,
Until he would return
For it to start again.
The layers of my scars
Not only to my skin
To bow, the cage's bars
A thing that it lived in.
Without a name, a soul
I had just one more try
Determined in my goal
Before there was no time
The truck's glare of its light,
My hair flew as I streaked
As he turned up the drive
When he came down the street.
Its high beams showed the slave
That no one ever sees
Had broken from his rage
To live free as she flees.
And as I disappeared,
I heard his howling rant
That echoed in the night,
Became his vocal chant:
"There is no other one
I've claimed who has my heart
Is like no other love
I've given just to you!"
To take the chance at last,
The night is cool and dim
Sidewalk of overcast.
It shoots up through my seams
And jars within my brain,
I'm silent in my screams
He loved to hear the pain.
And did all that he could
And told me what he'd do
No matter if I would
Believe in what I knew.
Obeying every want
I never satisfied
His dark sadistic haunt
Would threaten if I lied.
To hunt me like a dog
His little trophy slut,
Not worthy of his 'love',
A litany of faults
For everyone to hear
All through the neighborhood,
There was no other one
He claimed who had his heart.
Was like no other love
He'd given just to me.
And even though I stayed
In hopes that he might feel,
Remembering the past
The way it used to be,
It disappeared so fast
When soon the threats to me.
The mental torture came
When he would leave each day,
And lock me in to tame
His little runaway.
With places where he hid
The fetish things he plied
Upon my nakedness,
No clothes did he abide.
While I was kept inside
My mind would start to bend,
Until he would return
For it to start again.
The layers of my scars
Not only to my skin
To bow, the cage's bars
A thing that it lived in.
Without a name, a soul
I had just one more try
Determined in my goal
Before there was no time
The truck's glare of its light,
My hair flew as I streaked
As he turned up the drive
When he came down the street.
Its high beams showed the slave
That no one ever sees
Had broken from his rage
To live free as she flees.
And as I disappeared,
I heard his howling rant
That echoed in the night,
Became his vocal chant:
"There is no other one
I've claimed who has my heart
Is like no other love
I've given just to you!"
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Forum Posts: 1216
Fire of Insight
Joined 3rd May 2018
Forum Posts: 1216
Related submission no longer exists.
Lost Girl
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435
Lost Girl
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 435
Never Be
the first time I saw you
I knew I’d love you forever
because I knew I’d loved you before
I was certain you’d haunt my days
and swallow my nights
you once seemed to love me back
but you grew cruel
in words and actions
still the only thing that has ever
felt right in this life
was being with you
you made the me without you
when before the me alone
had been bearable
once you sat playing guitar
I held onto you from behind
as if you were saving my life
you probably weren't there with me at all
but I couldn't move
couldn't stop touching
feeling you
I’d never known
such burning perfection
and completion
decades have passed
yet you still haunt my dreams
as if you hold my soul-strings
in your hands
sometimes I sit
and realize you are breathing
at this very moment
I shiver
and live for the day
you lead me back home
into the safety and rightness
of your body
your soul
my sweet love
come back to me
I knew I’d love you forever
because I knew I’d loved you before
I was certain you’d haunt my days
and swallow my nights
you once seemed to love me back
but you grew cruel
in words and actions
still the only thing that has ever
felt right in this life
was being with you
you made the me without you
when before the me alone
had been bearable
once you sat playing guitar
I held onto you from behind
as if you were saving my life
you probably weren't there with me at all
but I couldn't move
couldn't stop touching
feeling you
I’d never known
such burning perfection
and completion
decades have passed
yet you still haunt my dreams
as if you hold my soul-strings
in your hands
sometimes I sit
and realize you are breathing
at this very moment
I shiver
and live for the day
you lead me back home
into the safety and rightness
of your body
your soul
my sweet love
come back to me
Written by toniscales
(Lost Girl)
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Lost Girl
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435
Lost Girl
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 435
For He Who Cannot Be Named
You just vanished. Not a reason,
nor a simple good-bye.
The clock ticks and ticks.
The maddening quiet of this house
plays havoc with my head.
I would go outside no more
than I would stick my hand in a flame.
In you, I have lost a son,
a lover, a husband, but no one
has been able to find your body.
I don't know where to mourn you.
There is no headstone.
Only my computer, where it all began.
I know it was nothing from the first,
but just leaving... I bite hard
on my bottom lip so the tears
will not come.
The clock ticks and ticks.
I was a child once.
There was this man married
to my mother but he hated me
for some reason. I loved him
and ached for him to love me
I waited for my father to pick
me up sometimes. Sometimes he
wouldn't show.
But I waited and waited.
My hands shake and I try not to sob.
I don't want to wait anymore.
Please, no more waiting.
Please, I don't know what to do
with myself anymore. Write me,
please, just tell me why you left,
just give me a reason.
Show me you know
what the word "mercy" means.
Let the police find your body
so I can look upon it one last time,
knowing it is you, that you
are slowly fading to dust.
You just vanished. Not a reason,
nor a simple good-bye.
The clock ticks and ticks.
The maddening quiet of this house
plays havoc with my head.
I would go outside no more
than I would stick my hand in a flame.
In you, I have lost a son,
a lover, a husband, but no one
has been able to find your body.
I don't know where to mourn you.
There is no headstone.
Only my computer, where it all began.
I know it was nothing from the first,
but just leaving... I bite hard
on my bottom lip so the tears
will not come.
The clock ticks and ticks.
I was a child once.
There was this man married
to my mother but he hated me
for some reason. I loved him
and ached for him to love me
I waited for my father to pick
me up sometimes. Sometimes he
wouldn't show.
But I waited and waited.
My hands shake and I try not to sob.
I don't want to wait anymore.
Please, no more waiting.
Please, I don't know what to do
with myself anymore. Write me,
please, just tell me why you left,
just give me a reason.
Show me you know
what the word "mercy" means.
Let the police find your body
so I can look upon it one last time,
knowing it is you, that you
are slowly fading to dust.
Written by toniscales
(Lost Girl)
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Lost Girl
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 435
Lost Girl
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 435
Just the Sight
Just the sight of your hands
Dusted with hair
Made me want to cry
Your crooked teeth in a beautiful mouth
I would try and swipe at with my tongue
Your face so lovely and boyish
I wanted to kiss and lick your eyelids
Their doll like lashes
You were lost and had been
Abandoned by your mother
I wanted to save you and take you into me
But every girl did
And haunted by just your naked collarbone
And wanting to lock my mouth
On your Adam's apple
The look of you in clothes
I wanted to rip from your body
As I forced you against a wall
Your cock that tasted like the sea
When my stepfather would take us sailing
In choppy waters, the boat listing
To where my sandalled feet were scrambling
For purchase and how he laughed at our slippery fear
And there was the same harrowing danger in you
The threat of fatality
A sense of impossible drowning
Your breathing softly crafting my agony
As you looked past me
To the bed where I'd just ridden you
In a violent tossing storm
Within our sad forlorn little hotel room
And silently gathered your things.
Dusted with hair
Made me want to cry
Your crooked teeth in a beautiful mouth
I would try and swipe at with my tongue
Your face so lovely and boyish
I wanted to kiss and lick your eyelids
Their doll like lashes
You were lost and had been
Abandoned by your mother
I wanted to save you and take you into me
But every girl did
And haunted by just your naked collarbone
And wanting to lock my mouth
On your Adam's apple
The look of you in clothes
I wanted to rip from your body
As I forced you against a wall
Your cock that tasted like the sea
When my stepfather would take us sailing
In choppy waters, the boat listing
To where my sandalled feet were scrambling
For purchase and how he laughed at our slippery fear
And there was the same harrowing danger in you
The threat of fatality
A sense of impossible drowning
Your breathing softly crafting my agony
As you looked past me
To the bed where I'd just ridden you
In a violent tossing storm
Within our sad forlorn little hotel room
And silently gathered your things.
Written by toniscales
(Lost Girl)
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Witchcraft in a Bowie song;
David really laid 'em long.
Smooth as bourbon served up neat,
Favorite way, without the ice,
From a cut lead crystal glass,
While I sit to rest my feet.
Just got Dixie cups, that’s nice;
It’s okay, they got more class.
Super 8 Motel, room six
Somewhere in the 'bama sticks,
Right off of the Interstate,
Where the boyfriend couldn't wait.
But I beat him to the punch.
Caught them fixin' to have lunch
In the middle of the night!
Had me fixin' for a fight....*
Kickin' back across the bed,
TV starin’ back at me.
Nuthin' runnin' through my head
'Cept the sight of crimson flow;
Where it’s from and where it goes,
Scattered sequins 'cross the floor.
Dragged her out back to the drain,
Through the mud after the rain.
Wasn't feelin' no more pain--
There’s the bin I left her in.
‘Snot a puzzle, thousand piece,
‘Why the chainsaw?’, come a’gin?
Boyfriend nekked, on the fly,
Didn't even say good-bye.
Left behind his cellular.
Cut her 'cross the jugular
Usin' just a butter knife.
Headlines read, "HE LEFT HIS WIFE"....*
Although Major Tom is gone,
We had our one wedding song.
You were my Ziggy Stardust
Till one day turned to scrap rust.
I still hear David Bowie,
Just like he's singin' to me.
Copyright ©2016-18 Jade Pandora. All Rights Reserved.
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80
Dangerous Mind

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FD Ravenskraft
Joined 18th May 2018
Forum Posts: 3
FD Ravenskraft
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 3
this is a very impressive poem love it
FD Ravenskraft
Joined 18th May 2018
Forum Posts: 3
FD Ravenskraft
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 3
very good piece of work
FD Ravenskraft
Joined 18th May 2018
Forum Posts: 3
FD Ravenskraft
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 3
yes i like this poem. very cleaver piece