Poem of the Month - APRIL 2018
Poetry Worm
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Forum Posts: 346
Poetry Contest Description
Nominate the best of best in your eyes
Greetings, Fellow Poets! It's time for our "Poem of the Month" to be featured in the DUP 'Poem of the Month Hall of Fame' and on the official facebook page for April 2018.
You have three weeks to nominate no more than two of you favorite poems from another DUP poet!
Please note the following when making nominations:
1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme. This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.
2. Please limit your nominations to TWO poems. You can nominate a single poem for two different poets; but the nomination maximum remains at TWO per nominee (no matter how many pseudonyms they have) The majority of competitions on DUP cap nominations at one or two poems so there's no need to go beyond that.
No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!
Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
Previous Poem of the Month Hall of Fame members CAN BE NOMINATED ... but a poet may only win once in the time period from November 2017 - December 2018.
Simply put: We want to see a cross section of writers acknowledged.
Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to the win will be automatically disqualified.
Any nominated member who wishes to opt out of the competition may do so by messaging me ( Poem-Worm ). I will contact the person who nominated you and request an alternate nomination.
Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!
Running list of winners:
November 2017 ... NAAJIR
December 2017 ... POETSPEAK
January 2018 ... LADY_OF_THE_QUILL
February 2018 ... LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March 2018 ... TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
April 2018 ... CROWFLY
May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
December 2018
... So, what have you read that's incredible!?
You have three weeks to nominate no more than two of you favorite poems from another DUP poet!
Please note the following when making nominations:
1. Self nominations are not accepted. The great majority of the competitions here are about spotlighting one's own work on a particular topic or theme. This is a chance to nominate that poem that you wish you had written but some other great talent here beat you to it.
2. Please limit your nominations to TWO poems. You can nominate a single poem for two different poets; but the nomination maximum remains at TWO per nominee (no matter how many pseudonyms they have) The majority of competitions on DUP cap nominations at one or two poems so there's no need to go beyond that.
No DUPLICATES. If someone nominates the same poem the entry will be deleted. If you like it that much wait and vote for it!
Any genre except erotica or pornography. This is a Facebook feature and we must adhere to their guidelines.
Previous Poem of the Month Hall of Fame members CAN BE NOMINATED ... but a poet may only win once in the time period from November 2017 - December 2018.
Simply put: We want to see a cross section of writers acknowledged.
Any member who is banned or disables their account PRIOR to the win will be automatically disqualified.
Any nominated member who wishes to opt out of the competition may do so by messaging me ( Poem-Worm ). I will contact the person who nominated you and request an alternate nomination.
Nomination Duration is three weeks followed by a week of site voting!
Running list of winners:
November 2017 ... NAAJIR
December 2017 ... POETSPEAK
January 2018 ... LADY_OF_THE_QUILL
February 2018 ... LEPPEROCHAN Craic in a Box
March 2018 ... TINABUBUYA (Tee Mali)
April 2018 ... CROWFLY
May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
December 2018
... So, what have you read that's incredible!?

bra strap
the devil in me wears blue
he dresses in prison coveralls
because he feels like a prisoner
walking around in my shoes
he sulks in the background
to be sentenced so harshly
hell has nothing on being Brenda
he hates and loves me both
curses me quietly
through gritted teeth
as I teach him lessons in humanity
what it is to be a human woman
an indignity that he can't bare
I tell him only the fiercest warriors
volunteered for this tour
as female
we pull our hair back
and prepare for war
the weaker of the species
yeah I don't think so
we bend without breaking
the enemy we contend with most
bigotry of what isn't understood
in this peni'lizing society
the Earth is a woman
nurturing us all
this isn't women's lib
it's the truth
from a soldier the size of a mountain
standing in a body 5'4
Written by crimsin
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The Gardener
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347
The Gardener
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1347
the young bloke
It happened like it always does;
phone call out of nothing
someone with that voice
and you know before the words come out
that a life has done its run
I hired him myself
remember the day well
him too young for the work we do
“sorry mate, the young one’s always cause us pain”
but his dad asked me honest
sat at my kitchen table
said his boy was no good as a fisherman’s son
“gets seasick. Hopeless case. But he can work, he works real good”
so I said ok
broke my rule
hired a seventeen year old
and for two years the men have come to love him
fast learner
good with the girls
usually got a try every rugby game he played
for men working away
he was our collective son
one of us
we all loved the stories
his latest fuck-up
his latest women-troubles
his latest reason why he was late to work again
I remember the day we wrapped him in our jackets
when that power lead was faulty
and it belted him lifeless in the heaving rain
remember the men helping lift him in to the ambulance
and I sat in the hospital until his father came
had to meet him at the steps
by then I knew the young bloke would be ok
but still
to meet a boys father at the hospital gate
is tough work
and then his mother arrived
angry at him
at me
at his father
at all of us
so overcome with the worry of it
and we all got out of there
while she tore strips off the young bloke
him in the hospital bed
“what the fuck were you thinking”
while he smiled his shit-eater grin
hands burned black by the shock he'd got
two years of that
the good and the bad
boy becoming a working man
one of us
proud of him
and then the call late last night
he’d worked a half day yesterday
scored two tries in the game later that afternoon
(we'd have heard about that all fuckin' week)
he must have been feeling fine
a weeks pay in his pocket
and just signed on with us to come to the next big job
got drunk
drove himself from the rugby club
to the pub
it’s about 1 mile
hit a pole
and it ended right there
so I took the call
and then started to make all the calls I have to make
lot of our men off on leave
a lot already off the job too
and the right thing
is to try to beat the grapevine
when the fruit it bears is bad
dialing numbers in the dark
remembered the line about why I never hire the young ones
sat down
gave old salt
to new wounds
phone call out of nothing
someone with that voice
and you know before the words come out
that a life has done its run
I hired him myself
remember the day well
him too young for the work we do
“sorry mate, the young one’s always cause us pain”
but his dad asked me honest
sat at my kitchen table
said his boy was no good as a fisherman’s son
“gets seasick. Hopeless case. But he can work, he works real good”
so I said ok
broke my rule
hired a seventeen year old
and for two years the men have come to love him
fast learner
good with the girls
usually got a try every rugby game he played
for men working away
he was our collective son
one of us
we all loved the stories
his latest fuck-up
his latest women-troubles
his latest reason why he was late to work again
I remember the day we wrapped him in our jackets
when that power lead was faulty
and it belted him lifeless in the heaving rain
remember the men helping lift him in to the ambulance
and I sat in the hospital until his father came
had to meet him at the steps
by then I knew the young bloke would be ok
but still
to meet a boys father at the hospital gate
is tough work
and then his mother arrived
angry at him
at me
at his father
at all of us
so overcome with the worry of it
and we all got out of there
while she tore strips off the young bloke
him in the hospital bed
“what the fuck were you thinking”
while he smiled his shit-eater grin
hands burned black by the shock he'd got
two years of that
the good and the bad
boy becoming a working man
one of us
proud of him
and then the call late last night
he’d worked a half day yesterday
scored two tries in the game later that afternoon
(we'd have heard about that all fuckin' week)
he must have been feeling fine
a weeks pay in his pocket
and just signed on with us to come to the next big job
got drunk
drove himself from the rugby club
to the pub
it’s about 1 mile
hit a pole
and it ended right there
so I took the call
and then started to make all the calls I have to make
lot of our men off on leave
a lot already off the job too
and the right thing
is to try to beat the grapevine
when the fruit it bears is bad
dialing numbers in the dark
remembered the line about why I never hire the young ones
sat down
gave old salt
to new wounds
Written by hemihead
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Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5405
One Big Bowl Of Stew
Oh!.........What a delight that would be.
A multitude of vibrate colors, immersed
in a broth enriched by the flavorful tastes from which each grew.
Ingredients, not assimilated, each loosing it's own
unique contribution, only integrated, lending it's attributes
so as to benefit the blend.
Seasoned with the best qualities of each.
If only we would create such a feast, no one would go hungry again.
"Humanity Stew"
at it's finest.
Written by Amorous_tryst
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The rust flakes slowly from his skin
With every gust, a shred of sin
With age the sage is yet more lost
And health comes at a higher cost
The joints creak and groan with every move
The muscles slack, but what's to prove?
The wrinkles furrowing his face
The bloom now gone without a trace
He still finds the will to walk
Vocal chords will creak to talk
Ideas in the dead of night
He grasps the pen, begins to write.
With every gust, a shred of sin
With age the sage is yet more lost
And health comes at a higher cost
The joints creak and groan with every move
The muscles slack, but what's to prove?
The wrinkles furrowing his face
The bloom now gone without a trace
He still finds the will to walk
Vocal chords will creak to talk
Ideas in the dead of night
He grasps the pen, begins to write.
Written by crowfly
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Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
to my son
do you know me yet?
after all that I've shown
and revealed to you
I needed one to match me
if possible best me
an equal
one with understanding
one who feels what it's like to walk in my shoes
so I gave you fame
I gave you power
took it from you
left you abandoned
I've shown you more than anyone
my secret place
the quiet one
where no one is allowed to follow
the darkness isn't new
it was first
it may be the last
no stars, sun, or sounds
to intrude upon my solitude
if I take this option
there won't even be a you
your jealousy clouds your judgement
my hand isn't forced
it never has been
your lust for war
I instilled it in you
I desired a real war
you've given me that
will you quit now?
walk off the field
hang your head in shame
you're mine I claim you openly
on the record
you were the first
are the oldest
but not my only
I can't give you my suicide
there is no easy out for one like me
I can start again if needed
my plan may yet derail
this plane my seedling of hope
that someday there will be full grown entities
with lust, desires
and strength to match my own
I didn't say when or how long
even I don't know
evolution of the fittest in progress
just so you know
nothing, not a soul is wasted
Written by crimsin
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Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1625
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1409
eight trees in the yard to stare at
a boy bled on my bedding
it will stay there for a couple more days
everyone is driving slower than they could
and i am only here because i should be
a man is coughing behind the fence
a man is coughing down the street
and the spiders occupy so much space
they will steal my dreams tonight
i am home now
and it may not mean anything
Written by Kameron
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1409
c.rush me
i am an eggshell at sea
you're not done breaking me
magician's plume
o to have that flourish
ur trembling precision
floats like a chiffon scarf
(in a black&white film)
(with a crescendo
in ur earholes)
building up as u know how a crescendo
as it goes
how it goes
. i remember nothing
you're not done breaking me
magician's plume
o to have that flourish
ur trembling precision
floats like a chiffon scarf
(in a black&white film)
(with a crescendo
in ur earholes)
building up as u know how a crescendo
as it goes
how it goes
. i remember nothing
Written by anna_grin
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DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winning poem is Rusted by crowfly nominated by DevlinDLC.
Congratulations to our poem of the month winner!
Runners up were the young bloke by hemihead (hemi) nominated by ImperfectedStone and eight trees in the yard to stare at by Kameron nominated by summultima.
Congratulations to our poem of the month winner!
Runners up were the young bloke by hemihead (hemi) nominated by ImperfectedStone and eight trees in the yard to stare at by Kameron nominated by summultima.
Joined 12th June 2017
Forum Posts: 945
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 945
Congratulations Sir Crow, a beautiful poem, that well deserved being selected.
Great poems by the runners-up also, I enjoyed reading all the entries.
And, to Cold_fusion, my dear friend, thank you for thinking enough of my poem to nominate it.
Great poems by the runners-up also, I enjoyed reading all the entries.
And, to Cold_fusion, my dear friend, thank you for thinking enough of my poem to nominate it.
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1409
Congratz to the Winner(s) -Crowfly, hemi & Kameron! wonderful & well-deserved mentions...
DUP's an enriched poetic home by you & each all precious one here..
Thank you dear Webmiss & PoemWorm for the space xx
DUP's an enriched poetic home by you & each all precious one here..
Thank you dear Webmiss & PoemWorm for the space xx

Congratulations ...