Poetry competition CLOSED 19th March 2018 10:04pm
RUNNER-UP: Gahddess_Worship

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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Poetry Contest

write a poem using the villanelle format (poem format is down below).
If you are looking for a challenge look no further... A villanelle follows a specific rhyming and repeating pattern. Structure is as follows (there are 19 lines total):
* Line 1: End rhyme A
* Line 2: End rhyme B
* Line 3: End rhyme A

* Line 4: End rhyme A
* Line 5: End rhyme B
* Line 6: Repeat of Line 1

* Line 7: End rhyme A
* Line 8: End rhyme B
* Line 9: Repeat Line 3

* Line 10: End rhyme A
* Line 11: End rhyme B
* Line 12: Repeat Line 1

* Line 13: End rhyme A
* Line 14: End rhyme B
* Line 15: Repeat Line 3

* Line 16: End rhyme A
* Line 17: End rhyme B
* Line 18: Repeat Line 1
* Line 19: Repeat Line 3

* You have 1 month
*Everyone can submit up to 2 pieces each
*And good luck. As usual please DM me if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

**Down below is a sample entry/piece**

When Things Grow – A Villanelle

Make room for things to grow
And mend in your heart cavity.
You have to plant and sow

Your roots. You always know
To stand tall, letting gravity
Make room for things to grow

Into a garden. No sign of a crow,
Signaling your end of depravity.
You have to plant and sow

All of your seeds. You show
Your speed and concavity.
Make room for things to grow

And twist into balls of dough,
With elasticity of your morality.
You have to plant and sow

For everything that will glow
And shine like your reality.
Make room for things to grow.
You have to plant and sow.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17603

Ribbed Music of Bone ( Villanelle )

Centuries manifesting Sound  
Charting trajectories in blood  
'twixt ribbed music of bone  
Through generations thereof  
themed variations of chord  
Centuries manifesting Sound  
Resonate vibrations of note  
intervals reverberating thirds  
'twixt ribbed music of bone  
Defining the rise of scale
double bass through treble clef  
Centuries manifesting Sound  
Melodic intervals in tone    
Adagios restful and slow  
'twixt ribbed music of bone  
Vessels creating their song  
tintinnabulate as One;  
Centuries of manifesting Sound  
'twixt ribbed music of bone  
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


Tempest wears itself the ir'ny
Upon my arm for all to know,
And in my hair full fast asleep.

Devil may care but I can't be
Bothered, nor will it ever show.
Tempest wears itself the ir'ny

Twisting itself cruel around me,
Pulling me under in its tow
And in my hair full fast asleep.

The eye of the storm rev'rently
I'm blinded to my ev'ry foe,
Tempest wears itself the ir'ny.

A lover's trust within my creed
When hence the pain I give is slow,
And in my hair full fast asleep

Sustains us through the tyranny
Where all is lost in spite the blow.
Tempest wears itself the ir'ny
And in my hair full fast asleep.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Thank you Ahavati, cloventongue89 and Jade Pandora for kicking this competition off!!

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 217

These Windows Don't Pump Sunlight

These windows don’t pump sunlight –  
golden noon stays in their stains;
they leave their colors untied.
They must have felt the drum’s might
shake them in the windowpane –  
these windows don’t pump sunlight.  
The sermon, too, had rung bright,
but was flushed in rainbow waves:
they leave their colors untied.
All their hues are sun-dried
in the dust where colors play;
these windows don’t pump sunlight.
They breathe it in on one side
but are truer for the way
they leave their colors untied.
These pews are full of stunned eyes,
faces safe in brave, bright shades.
These windows don’t pump sunlight:
they leave their colors untied.
(my first, quick attempt at a villanelle for extra credit in English.)
Written by rowantree
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Thank you rowantree for your entry.

geoff cat
Dangerous Mind
United States 33awards
Joined 27th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 1028

Devil’s Breath, Poison Slow

How devil’s breath stirs air in Angel’s grace,  
With scented masks and hope for brighter day.  
How poison slow that hope, despair replace!  
In L.A.’s rant, with Burbank sitcom pace,  
It’s fevered sick behind bleached smiles display.  
How devil’s breath stirs air in Angel’s grace.  
The burnished wind of summer’s hell-fire base,  
But Marlowe knows cold noir of Winter’s stay.  
How poison slow that hope, despair replace.  
When Gabriel’s bald heads, white "toups" replace,  
The hard sea storms that river's concrete flay,  
How devil’s breath stirs air in Angel’s grace.  
What broiled with unrelenting sun burned face,  
Burns lower flames that cancel asphalt spray.  
How poison slow that hope despair replace.  
Like Eve, her Apple freed the snake’s embrace,  
In Eden’s north where poetry holds sway.  
How devil’s breath stirs air in Angel’s grace,  
How poison slow that hope despair replace.  
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Thank you Hepcat61 for your entry!!

Lost Thinker
Joined 25th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 12

Off To Battle

With a fierce loyalty,  
Some vague threat
Oh, the novelty  
March to the key  
Sunrise to sunset  
With a fierce loyalty  
Open field, a sight to see  
Didn’t know then, last cigarette  
Oh, the novelty  
A hellish place to be  
The look of regret  
With a fierce loyalty  
Brutal depravity  
Flowing freely, blood and sweat  
Oh, the novelty  
Gently slipping from reality  
Lest we forget  
With a fierce loyalty  
Oh, the novelty.  
Written by Apostrophe-es
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Thank you Apostrophe-es for your entry!

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1879

If You Have Love

If you have love for the human race
Then lead by example and be kind,
The world will become a better place.

When you practice love all your days,
You will elevate to a new state of mind,
If you have love for the human race.

When you find bliss learn to embrace,
Then love and respect will be refined,
The world will become a better place

If you fill your life with peace and grace,
Then heaven can also be redefined,
If you have love for the human race.

When you can show love in many ways,
It will also be returned to you in kind,
The world will become a better place.

If you are good then be good always,  
You will bring hope to all of mankind,
If you have love for the human race
The world will become a better place.

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Thank you wallyroo92 for your entry.

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