Poetry competition CLOSED 28th February 2018 1:14am
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92


Golden Shovel Poem

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Poetry Contest

Write a poem using the Golden Shovel style.
A Golden Shovel poetry form was created by the poet Terrance Hayes.  This new form of poetry is acrostic style poetry form that has recently become quite popular.

"The rules" for this new form are:
•      Take a line (or lines) from a poem you admire.
•      Use each word in the line (or lines) as an end word in your poem.
•      Keep the end words in order.
•      Give credit to the poet who originally wrote the line (or lines).
•      The new poem does not have to be about the same subject as the poem that offers the end words.

The new poem does not have to be about the same subject as the original poem, but it can be related.

Here’s my attempt at a Golden Shovel Poem, inspired by Shel Silverstein Wastebasket Brother
Wastebasket Brother, By Shel Silverstein

Someone put their baby brother
Under this basket- -
The question is exactly why,
But I'm not going to ask it.
But someone, I ain't sayin' who,
Has got a guilty face,
Ashamed for lettin' such a lovely brother
Go to waste.

LITTLE BROTHER’S BASKET!, by snugglebuck

My little brother
Is weaving a basket
Don’t ask me why
I have no answer for it
But someone who
He kissed upon the face
Is getting a gift from my brother
That I’d just chuck in the waste

Have fun with this.  Winner will be determined by a vote.

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Golden Shovel - This Woman*

I have to wonder who she
Is, a woman who walks
As if she is covered in
Gold. She holds a beauty
That is all natural like
Flowers that grow. The
Way that she is like night
And day, a descendant of
The goddesses. A cloudless
Complexion and sunny climes.
She has eyes the color of starry
And completely clear skies.

*inspired by the first two lines of Lord Byron's poem "She Walks In Beauty."
Written by eswaller
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 4awards
Joined 6th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 37

**Inspired from Edgar Allen Poe's "Eldorado"**
(Each ending word is the same of the original poem, hence the italicization)

The Knight's Journey Back Home

Pieces of armour bedight
Upon an enlightened and courageous knight
The knight’s helmet keeps him protected and encased in shadow.
His silver sword, sharp and long
Swinging away as he hums a curious and sad song,
For it is the melody of Eldorado.

The knight became weary as he grew old
For his armour had rusted; no longer in shadow
Collapsed as he found
Not a single patch of grass on this forsaken ground
That resembled the once-mystical Eldorado.

His sword rusted over, shortening itself in length,
The knight cried out, and out emerged a traveler of shadow
‘Fellow follower of shade’ cried he,
“Where shall it be—
My inspiring homeland of Eldorado?”

‘Journey above the tallest mountain
Where the colours clash with the moon
Replace your rusted armour, replenish the once-protecting shadow,
Upon the prized stallion of darkness, you shall fearlessly ride’
The traveler replied—
‘If you wish to return back to your beloved Eldorado!’

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 43awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864


Our time together now must (stop)
the public property of one and (all)
celebrity courted relentlessly,(the)
 time cant now reverse the (clocks)
and take away that deep (cut)
that said you might as well fuck-(off)
so reinvent yourself again, (the)
 agent shouted down the (telephone)
Written by slipalong
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 4

Everyone could see the trapdoor but me

I fall away from everyone
fighting for what I could
wondering what I had failed to see
feels like the end of the...
No. Don't fall through that trapdoor.
I could blame you but...
it's time to focus on me.
Written by LightWithin256
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

Beautiful Creatures

I noticed them strolling in the darkened wood,
Like a fairy tale of creatures I saw them both
In awe and amazement I reverently stood
Staying far away and quiet as much as I could
The beautiful beings went by the undergrowth;

They were lovely like visions decorous and fair,
With attractive features no one else can claim,
And I could only distinguish that by their wear;
They were something beyond here nor there
Otherworldly apparitions just aren’t the same,

Yet in the stillness of dusk upon the grass I lay
Waiting for the sky to turn from blue to black.
The stars shine a light that cannot be seen by day!
When the luminous sun beams get in the way,
Waiting for their splendid presence to come back.

And upon their return all I could do is sigh
I’ve been admiring the creatures hence:
They wander through the woods unaware yet I –
Remain watchful and reverent only standing by,
My wonder and silence makes all the difference.

Inspired by Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1877

Thank you snugglebuck for the honor on this competition. It was certainly a challenge using my favorite author's words.

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