Poetry competition CLOSED 11th February 2018 1:52am
RUNNER-UP: unapologetic

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Take a walk with me...ladies

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Follow your muse where it leads you. Only a few conditions...
I will give you the line you must open your poem with and the line you must close it with. Everything else in the middle is entirely up to you and your muse. Hit me with your best thoughts!

*One entry per writer
*3 weeks
*No more than 30 lines
*New writes only
*Ladies only

First line must be:
It all began when she decanted the bottle...

Last line must be:
Suddenly wishing she could put the cork back

Strange Creature
Joined 17th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 6

Title:  Message in a bottle

It all began when she decentered the bottle
As it floated to shore
By her bare feet

Covered in kelp grime and sprinkled
With sand; the note
A carefully rolled piece of parchment
Glowed softly in aquamarine-light

But little did she know
Its message bore a curse to its reader
And then she disappeared from the shore
Suddenly wishing she could put the cork back

poet Anonymous

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Like None of It Happened

It all began when she decanted the bottle
And spilling it all over her favorite white dress.
She has lost her control and foot on the throttle.
Mascara running down her face, leaving a mess
Of tears and humiliation behind. She could no
Longer become the strong woman her mama
Raised her to be and always taught to go slow.
She is no stranger to being left behind or trauma
From the heart that bleeds out like crimson wine.
She is feeling free walking along the train track,
Her spirit and calloused hands that intertwine
With the chained fence. Everything feeling black,
But suddenly wishing she could put the cork back.
Written by eswaller
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Lonesome Drunk

It all began when she decanted the bottle
Once they arrived back at her apartment
Not far from the saloon where they had met.

The heady red of the wine warmed them both
And soon had them in an undressed embrace
That began a night of sex in the city.

The moon had risen and set long ago
When she awoke and saw the gaunt lover
In the middle of pulling on his clothes.

Sailor, where you going this time of night?    
We were getting along so well back there    
Where I'd been sitting in that alley bar.    
And you slogged your way across to my stool,    
Leaned over my shoulder and smelling me    
And I smelled you; two days worth of stale booze.    
But you seemed nice, the way you paid for drinks    
Though you kept flipping yourself cigarettes    
From out of my Marlboro pack and all.    
Us getting tanked on Duck Farts & shooters,    
Talking me into drinking a Quick Fuck    
Christ!  Didn't know you'd give me one right here.    
And tonight wasn't my finest hour.    
Sailor, I wish you wouldn't go just yet    
It's almost sunrise and I'm so lonesome.    
Hey, come on, put that back in your wallet!      
Well, yeah, I'll be back there tomorrow night,    
You?  Sure, if you can't make it I'll be fine.
And as she watched him button up to leave
She felt as empty as the wine bottle,
Suddenly wishing she could put the cork back.

poet Anonymous

Youmustlikemeforme said:Title:  Message in a bottle  
Thank you for kicking things off, Youmustlikemeforme! What an intriguing entry!

poet Anonymous

Taryn said:

Taryn, thank you for bringing your flavor to the table! Such a great entry!

poet Anonymous

eswaller said:

I'm happy to see you joining us here, eswaller! Thank you for sharing your piece!  

poet Anonymous

Jade-Pandora said:
Lonesome Drunk

Jade, what a great entry! Thank you for sharing this with us!  

poet Anonymous

Missy, you brought Wonderland to us with your voice! What a fascinating and beautiful piece...brought so much vivid imagery to mind. Thank you for joining us!  

poet Anonymous

For everyone who has already entered the competition, it was pointed out to me that I had "decanted" wrong in the opening line. After researching myself and realizing the mistake, I have corrected it. If you would like to edit your entry to match, you may do so. But I will simply read them as I meant them if you don't. Sorry for the confusion! Such great entries so far!!

poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

StarliteStarfright said:

What a haunting and almost heartbreaking entry, Starlite. Thank you for joining us with this piece. Another beautiful poem.

poet Anonymous

Anytime Ash! Great comp!

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