Poetry competition CLOSED 26th December 2017 11:44pm
Foxface (Aewyrn)
View Profile Poems by Foxface


freestyle - no edits

Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Poetry Contest

see below
I challenge YOU to write a poem without making any edits or changes from the time that you start writing.  Think of it as a "freestyle" to use hiphop language.   Avoid the temptation to revise.  


new only
2 weeks
open to vote
2 submissions max per person
Honor code - please follow the rules
Have fun!

Lost Thinker
United States 7awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 35


Black eyeliner
Green eyes
Stars above,
Grass below

The scent of wilderness on a
Cold breeze
Crickets playing lullabies to the composition
The leaves write
Scampering along
Breathing only in the shadows
The moonlight gave

Orange markings, crystal bones
Constellations glittering in her hair
Arctic winds painting
Her eyelashes
Arrow drawn, bow still
Blood dripping from her lips

A traveler, a wanderess
Dark paws, white cheeks
A companion, a fox
A loner but never alone
As the colors of autumn
Soak in his fur
And stain her skin
Becoming more animal every second
She remains in the company of her spirit

Blue night, translucent waters,
Washing away the dust and scarlet
From her hands
Curling up in the warmth he gave
Fingers clutching his red coat
And the forest living and inhaling
In her lungs
Growing forests in her veins, with
Soft flowers and mossy trunks
Before exhaling into the glass line
Separating humanity from nature
Written by Foxface (Aewyrn)
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That was surprisingly difficult. I kept on wanting to go back and change or word or I would accidentally hit the enter bar a word early, but. Haha. Looking forward to seeing other's entries!

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

No Edit

No edit,
You read it right,
This is me in all my raw and natural form,
I’ll try not screw up the lines,
But I can’t make promises,
Otherwise, the words will feel like a shit storm.

No, no backspace or erase either,
Take all the misgiving and misspellings,
(Crap, I forgot about auto correct),
There’s just no way of telling.

I shut my mouth most of the time,
Because I’m scared of that dark side of me,
I’ll say the wrong shit and offend everyone,
I have to watch what I say before it comes out of me.

So I take to paper and pen,
Or in the new age to my laptop and phone,
Spilling the words to try and make some sense,
There might be something wrong with me,
And like some dichotomy,
The person I wanted to be became a pretense.

I was a two faced liar,
A hypocritical insincere individual,
Acting all spiritual while my desires were wild,
I should have been more honest with myself,
So my demeanor only became more fucking hostile.

And so in my deference I lost some of that will,
To speak my mind, to hide all the time,
I try to be courteous and polite to others,
I know I’ve done wrong and make my peace with it.

I’ve worked on forgiving myself for the longest time,
Still, all the wrong I’ve done feels like unpunished crime,
But that’s just my guilt fucking with me, punishing me,
Pushing me to the edge of that abyss I thought I deserved.
But I try to do my good deeds, and it fulfills my needs,
To find that peace I longed for and searched for,
Because when I go back and read about the old me,
I read between the lines and see lies and forgive,
That younger person who was but is no more.

Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Foxface and wallyroo92 thank you both for quickly starting this comp off with a bang!!


poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Aug 2015
Forum Posts: 217

In the stricken silence of a blank white page,
I strike a bright note to destroy the gloom;
in the dim-lit distance before the pen hits,
before you get to sip the sickly poison brewed.
Give you a choice or two - surrender
or sit down;
like a crunchy leaf I end ya when my step
hits ground.
I've that greedy, deep caprice;
I need to speak a big sound.
I'll just poke your pedestal;
won't waste my breath on "Get down".

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 21st June 2013
Forum Posts: 535

This no editing thing is more difficult than I thought...
Here is some nonsense thoughts from this crazy young lady.

A sound that I can't stand.
It sends me into a downward spiral
Into the dark maze that is my mind.
Nearly as bad as clicking,
Tapping, clapping, slapping.
Dripping, dribbling, bubbling.
Repeatative noises.
They're worse than silence,
As they leave me hypnostized.
They don't just pull me into my own head,
But they keep me trapped there.
Until someone breaks the routine.
It's a dangerous territory.
Once the thoughts slip from your mouth,
They're out in the world,
And they can't be taken back.
Phrase one thing wrong,
And suddenly you're a monster,
Or hell, maybe a hero
It's a tricky thing,
This whole conversing
Or even writing.
Because what's been written is often posted,
In this world of social media
Funny name,
For something that is as far from social as it gets.
Something we go onto simply to make ourselves look better,
As we sit home alone,
How I spend much of my time,
In bed,
In pajamas
In my own mind
Because of the silence
Or the ticking on the clock
Keeping trapped in my head
Unable to drag myself up,
Even though there are things to be done.
Dishes to wash,
I love dishes,
Strange as it may sound.
They are something that must be done
If not today, then tomorrow
They give me a reason to stand up,
To put on normal clothes,
And to pretend to be a person.
That's how I get through life.
Pretending to be happy,
Pretending to be funny,
Pretending to feel loved,
Pretending that someone wants me,
Even when I know I am nothing,
No one,
And that I could simply disappear.
I pretend,
Therefore I survive
I make it through another day,
To wash the dishes.
Dishes I don't dirty up,
Unless forced to do so
Because I don't always remember to eat,
Unless Brandon says something to me
It's not that I feel fat,
Or that I want to lose anything,
I simply forget that hunger is a thing,
After years of stomach problems,
You learn to just ignore that part of yourself.
Now that is a big part of my life.
Ignoring the bad,
Pretending it isn't there.
There that pretending is again.
I told you its how I survive.
By pretending to be alive,
When I am really just static,
Laying in my bed,
In my pajamas,
In my head,
In my silence.
I can't stand silence...

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Additional Taciturn

Muses stumble
tumbling out of billowed
helium zeppelins
dead droppings of lead
crashing craniums onto
filthy city concrete
I'm left with naught
but my own stench head
& the voided vacancy;
to traipse through
reflections I dread
refracted rouge
cranberry bruises
kisses of the fullest moon
black & bluish berry
finger bushes
growing after the rain
plainly gaining more stains
pleated brands on my
forearm's frames

Tucking undershirt
the shaming
& parting no lips
to display heated

Bleating;...I should

But reapeatedly...



For the no-edit comp. I let this flow...and for quite a while, I think I needed to and never allowed myself. This was too easy to write, but it's too hard to say
Written by AtoMikbomb
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Lost Thinker
Joined 23rd June 2017
Forum Posts: 22

Walking contradiction standing still

Have you ever wondered what it be like if oposite day really exist
N everything you are used to dealing with all the sudden ain't shit, instead of losing everything like wallet n keys your given a gift
Compared toThat traffic that usually slows you down it's like no other car exist cause your the only one around
What should of been a boring dragged out double shift Monday is now a vacation pay free fun day in your town where nothing happens there's an event a concert with your favorite artist free for every 1 who can quote the lryics you have stuck in your head call the radio station 1st caller you won front row with a backstage pass never had luck couldnt win to save your ass
Today bet on the underdog win every chance
When you get to the show the rapper who you always  admired there skill
Is right in front of your eyes n you get to chop it up n chill
He feels your vibe relates to your story n instead of you never getting opportunity this super star gives you the chance of your life
Tells you to get on stage n rip it you grab your skin n pinch real quick yup no dream it's real life
Social anxiety, n a case of stage fright is one of your biggest fears
But somehow you feel this calm peace confidence combind with a mind clear
As you step up n grab the Mike you stare a the crowd
 n without hesitation start rythemly expressing your creativity out loud
Audience is in awe shook cause your lryics are sick liike you took a dictionary n thesorous combined into a book on an usual day you ain't important but now one day a year it's today on opposite day millions feeling your story ..haha back to reality if only such a day really exist , with a dream an imagination, n unbreakable faith
Anything is possible
Happy oposite day
Written by kiko_the_poet
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Lost Thinker
United States 7awards
Joined 2nd Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 35

Thank you for deciding my poem was worthy enough! 😄 Congratulations to Cloventongue for runner up!

Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Foxface said:Thank you for deciding my poem was worthy enough! 😄 Congratulations to Cloventongue for runner up!

Great job both of you!  I hope you enjoyed this competition.

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