Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd November 2017 11:45pm
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RUNNER-UP: SourMelon0313

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Strange Creature
Joined 20th Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 1

Starfish (my cosmic horror)

A crumbling sky, Agate in blackness, held indescribable rifts that hurled crackling roars through space. Sounds of heavy aircraft artillery and countless generations of warfare blended with the thunderous echoes. Hanging over the mortified and helpless onlookers, the skies appeared to almost shatter and dissolve into a morphing blend of both human and non-human colors. The horrific happenings all appeared to be dispersed rather evenly amongst the night sky, wrapping covertly the source of the hallowed crackling upon the ozone of the earth.
Each anomaly held the appearance of cracking glass and gave hint to jellyfish-like appendages of unknown colors. These colors, constantly changing, all while it’s shape appeared to rebirth itself in a constant action similar to slowed lightning.
One could notice how these anomalies appeared to be at battle with each other, causing the earth to rumble and shake through such unprecedented will. These cosmic foreigners also in visual conflicts through their flowing display of colors in an almost telepathically aggressive manner.

As i stood caught in awestruck horror staring up at the night sky, for which i have grown to know with such undeserved security. Some sort of rekindled frantic awareness led me to realize there were no planes in that sky. That indeed no dogfights, nor mass of military force, stood behind the warlike sounds of aircraft and turrets fire. The crude sounds of mankind so utterly unexplained, brought forth a hellish sickness over the legacy of such beautiful disaster.
Was it the rapture? Hell over earth reigned from the heavens?
Or perhaps it’s something far darker..
Written by Skywalker
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1844

Roses and Rosaries (1993 Redux)

(Written twenty four years ago
About a dream some three years before)

The dream is just as vivid,
As if it were just like yesterday,
Walking through the colorful gardens,
Through prayers,
And Roses and Rosaries,
Through a funeral home,
Full of death and decay.

The bright white halls and corridors,
Lead to rooms of coffins and caskets,
Some filled with grieving mourners,
While others were empty and desolate.
As I walked through the funeral parlor,
The further I walked the more decrepit it got,
With a foul smell, like an odor from hell,
That to this day I still cannot forget.
And what was a peaceful serene dream,
Turned into a horrible nightmare,
When the eerie tone seemed to go silent,
When the stench of death filled the air.
My mother told me to go even further,
To mourn for those that everyone forgot,
But now the rooms were dark like caves,
As the poor were only covered in rags.
I stood there, nearly speechless and frozen,
A black dog with eyes like diamonds stared back,
Smiling, panting with jagged, serrated teeth,
As I fell into a darkness that was pitch black.

Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Snaky Bastards

Horror filled my thoughts in sleep
When one night snakes visited my dream
In it, the fuckers romanced my naked self
Slowly crushing me, till I almost can't breathe
I have forgotten how old I was then
But the memory of the nightmare
Is still vivid and clear, like it's still happening

In this life, I can bare everything
Even death, I am willing to challenge
Give me a gun, tell me to jump blind
And afraid I will not, yeah! Am a daredevil
Just don't you ever, I mean ever
Bring me to a zoo or show me
Your beloved slimy pet — not even in photos
Or I will kill you if fright won't kill me first.

Strange Creature
Joined 23rd Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 2

Dolls of the Damned

It was rainy, gloomy on the street
Downtown apparently,
Not a second had passed
For outside, I could not stand
The mansion was empty
The stairwells mirrored
Curving down the corners
To the center
I walked to the back
Where I’d seen the second door
I had no choice it pulled me through its portal
This old house was lost in an abyss of a forest
Where no light shed through, it was night anyhow
With cobwebs around in every corner
The dresser, it had a knife and a gun
But I could not manage to make the gun work
So I took the knife instead
So down the stairs on the right I would go
To uphold my broken fortress

There were walkers, grey, they came in waves
They dropped like flies with the slick knife
I’d pull it from each of their chests
I saw a girl, she came inside, where I’d promise to protect her
She went up the stairs behind me
Still I’d drop the walkers, but when I faced the doll, her eyes vacant and hollow, she was like a girl, as she held her stuffed bear,
As I slashed my knife with fear, she did not move she was not harmed, and she tilted her head, saying;
“Please let me in, I'm scared,"
Having no trace of fear in her voice
I ignored every repeated phrase and I could not kill it
Eventually, I was reluctant, and let her in
Then i heard a bloody, murderous scream from up the stairs,
I panicked and worried, for the girl I knew her name, it was Lavinia
There stood the doll unharmed and Lavinia lay in a puddle of blood, dead
I ran back down the stair to flee from it, but surrounding me now, were all the walkers
But they had all become, exactly like the doll
And I found myself in this place,
In the abyss of woods, no way to escape,
Trapped in this broken home, by these demonic girl-dolls...

((I could use some critique, may not be final copy))

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