Poetry competition CLOSED 16th October 2017 7:40pm

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Short Poem

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 2nd Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 57

Poetry Contest

Post a short poem. Can only be up to 12 lines
The poem doesn't have to be new

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Living Fear

It is only when
You no longer
Fear death that
You finally start
Grasping for life

poet Anonymous

cricket serenade

a sky choked
with the smoke of neighboring states
leaving a canvas of sullen grey
no stars above to guide my feet
just a choir of crickets
my muffled mind and me
making our way through lifting night
passing through halos of streetlamps
where moths flutter around the light
and webs cross paths
but can’t be seen
eyes ever on the shadows
alone with my thoughts
gossiping trails left behind
of acorn crumbles and scattered leaves

poet Anonymous


dip fingers into years of aged vermillion,
have your palate salivate & mouth purse

convulse & writhe when you
taste all of the pain
with an ever present burn
equal to my debilitating reflux; it’s
bubbling, making me
constantly nauseous
& i’m dry heaving profusely

having settled & been
surrounded by the bitter stench of you
surpassing far beyond the expiration date

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2077

pigeon man

laugh at him overtaking
in a rush to break free

all you do is itch and think
shit for brains

remember tyson
pigeon man
pinpoint passion took you by surprise

the sound of beating wings
flying fists whooping the air

humble prayers
simply summons speed
agility and home

written by Alexander Case

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 15th July 2017
Forum Posts: 4

Heavy Heart

My heart is heavy from a loss
I lost myself when I lost you.

Each day passes without you here
I try to get over what I fear.

Who will I lose next time I blink
How much more will my heart sink?

How much more pain can I endore?
I can't take this pain anymore.

My heart has sunk down low
As low as I will let it go.

It's time to stop all the pain
Before I lose my mind!
Written by ExoticDreamer
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Lost Thinker
Joined 21st Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 4


Veins collapsing, memory lapsing..........Void
Arterial-    surrender-    stage ..................Anguish
Mesmerized by batted eyes....................Molten mind
Paling, flailing, wailing.............................Pulsed & convulsed
Internally   flushed....................................Ice-water      gushed
Ravaged by your.......................................Red   heat   eminating
INCISORS..................................................Irritating           overbite
Sucking.....................................................Seeping blood/ bodily fluids
Hard...........................................................Heavier breath heralds little death
Written by Duke_Raoul
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Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 1st July 2015
Forum Posts: 537

                            Raw Shit

My flow so dirty aye pass me the bounty.
My swag should be outlawed aye put me in the county.
My hater blockers on boy you can't afford these.
Time on ding its up bye please.
Yasss haters try to reach me but they don't get a single hello.
Play these weaklings string by string like a cello.

I swear can't nobody come close to me.
Diamonds on ewww you can't touch capeesh.
Yeah I'm in my zone please leave me alone.
My cockiness will always be unmatched.
Speak to me wrong or your brain might get unattached.
So take no offense I'm on my raw shit and nah you can't heal me no kit.

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 16th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 6

Ancient Beauty

Arouse your soul,you will feel me,
You are not all alone,
My Nuclear launcher is staring at your eyes,
My secret feelings are growing in size,
Some strong radiation has been shooting to my side,
Because your eyes are the beautiful place,
I called it " Ray's sunshine",
A hot rays are hitting to Ray's eyes,
You are standing other side of aisle,
Here I am counting the glare of your eyes,
You are the beauty of ancient skies,
One day miracles happen in your killing smile,
My thoughts and her smile one day will be compile.
Written by Ray2017
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Quando la struttura è morta

when structure is dead
nothing defines the outlines
where mem'ry exists

escaping beyond borders
beyond life where we find truth

you slumber deeply
between my sleeplessness as
night passes over

never touched before, nor now
and not endlessly later

A Rensaku = linked Tanka
Title in Italian means "When the structure is dead".
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470

Sincerely Yours

Sincerely Yours
OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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John W
Strange Creature
Joined 11th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 5


The night seemed never ending

Lonely, dark, cold

She yearned for the light for so long, thinking the sun would never rise upon her

And that warmth would never touch her

But as the sun finally rose, she turned and closed the shade, embracing the endless night

For it was all she knew
Written by Cujo (John W)
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