Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd May 2017 7:14pm
David_Macleod (14397816)
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Freedom Of Speech

poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

Tell About The Importance of Censorship Free Writing
One entry each, please
new or old
Tell me the importance of freedom of Speech
The danger of censorship

in any style, without restriction

The WINNER will be awarded an actual ENTRY PASS
into GAB. The worlds first free speech social media platform.
GAB is in grassroots mode with millions of users now online and many millions more on the waiting list...
some have been waiting many months and still no news

This will provide a way for you to eventually monetize your profile and earn money when someone reads your work, even if its on here.  
I can get you in
I will be judging this with the help of Carpe Noctem
and using the opinions given by other GAB users
who shall remain anonymous

I will need your email if you want the pass.

I will still post the winner on GAB (with permission, of course)
I went to look for my invites to store away and when they were missing I found that just hours ago
we met all quotas to go LIVE


so, as long as you want a free speech platform that will  Eventually allow you to make money, head on over and try to get in.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3044

I look forward to this

poet Anonymous

Carpe_Noctem said:I look forward to this

me too

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983

Forget About It

Free speech is only fairy tale
Like Jason and the Holy Grail

A once upon a time dated fable
Like that child born in that stable

In all reality they just don’t exist
in truth they can’t even coexist

Free speech was never, ever free
With money and blood as a necessary fee

Unable to spill either, really restricts you
Then the realization that you only make do

You awake and see how you’re censored
As your government makes you indentured

But try as hard as you might
It will be failure in sight

For the ‘power of one’ you were told was a lie
You changing things, is just pie in the sky

You don’t have a coupon that you can redeem
You can’t blaspheme in an internet meme

You can’t express an opinion without getting sued
As all celebrities become so very easily unglued

Hate speech, new phobias are all made up
Shouting loudest to force you to shut the fuck up

And the biggest offenders to strangle free speech
The over religious in their vast overreach

I would argue for speech unrestricted
No censorship laws governmental interdicted

I once had a dream, that my speech was free
Ended up in jail where they threw away the key

If you think you have fee speech; you don’t
If you think you’re going to get it; you won’t

There will never be, a time for back slapping
You have no power at all, ‘it aint gonna happen’

poet Anonymous

Thank you, David
excellent entry

and I went to look for my invites to store away and when they were missing I found that just hours ago
we met all quotas to go LIVE

so, as long as you want a free speech platform that will  Eventually allow you to make money, head on over and try to get in.

poet Anonymous

I like this part, a lot
Gab is a social network with a mission to empower individuals with the tools they need to create and shape their own experience. We believe human beings are born of reason, a free mind, and of sound cognition. We refuse to infantilize our users and treat them as juveniles like other social networking sites do. We are committed to free speech and expression, period.

I hope DUP will enter as a Poetry Site, (GAP, not my comp)
it is where the financial markets predict the future of social media to be, and where the masses of censored artists have flocked to and are still heading to in droves.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

I Found The Poetry In That


It's unbelievable the
eurika guy screamed
as he ran naked through
the main streets
of a city
I should remember
(but won't look up)

I think he meant it positively
But then he wouldn't
have known
they were burning
literature on bonfires
in the forest
(at the same fucking time)

Apparently reading was
a forbidden act
strangely it was authors
and publishers
who chose to
be the judges and jurors
of what was mind altering
(They wanted us to call them God)

I think that guy would've
put his clothes back on
and reversed through
a drive through
saying nothing at all
had he known
the largest of the bonfires
was called poetry
(The second was a fairytale wonderland)

Written by RevolutionAL (Alistair Plint)
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Thank you for this prompt Miss Moondancer may I enquire as to if multiple entries are permitted?

poet Anonymous

Thanks Al
It doesn't look like I'll be overly inundated with reads so I'll allow 2 old or new
Some really good authors have looked in on the thread and I hope they will soon have more reading to do.  

poet Anonymous

And I'm on mobile now so just saw your entry , Al
Thanks so much. A fine piece.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

It Ain't Free Babe

Say what you want
say what you will

but that shit ain't free
they's died and killed

so you can get your belly filled
until you spew and spew

hate and rage
across every page

you want so-sigh-ity
to let you be

well, there's an entrance fee
a little decency

'cause when push comes to shove
so-sci-ity, shoves the fuck back

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

Freedom of Speech Must Rule

If you believe
Speech isn't free
You're already dead
Washing out to sea

Ya see, it's danger
To restrict any speech
Tell people what they can
And what they cannot preach

Because someone has to control
The shadowy limitations
And when that power is misused
You can be jailed for anything
Even the most reasonable views

The only unprotected speech
Is the speech of violent treat
We need no laws, we just need to teach
Decency, kindness and love as well
Because once restrictions start
They form a pit deep within hell

Hate speech is free speech
It doesn't mean it's condoned
It doesn't mean we don't condemn
But we never lock it away
We let people fall on their own merit
We roll our eyes when ever we hear it
Because hate speech can be broad
Eventually it'll turn on even you
And though you're kind and fair
Someone will think you're killing
With words without a slightest care.

poet Anonymous

Big thanks to Trixareforkids and anonymouslyhere
excellent pieces, both.

There's a new poet here named The Archangel, she has come from GAB
she has her own site and is very talented.
She has joined DUP and has promoted our site.
I hope you guys will check out the profile https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/poets/TheArchangel/

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