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Poetry competition CLOSED 13th September 2015 00:17am
View Profile Poems by darksighs
RUNNERS-UP: crimsin and JohnFeddeler

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Same sex erotica

poet Anonymous

calamitygin said:Yeah! Oh i liked this doll. The seperation so close, tempting. Screw who cares!  Sure my partner will elaborate. But i was tickled with this submit!

Temptation and lust fulfilled.  The primary call of nature cannot be ignored no matter how slowly society evolves to believe it in all its forms.
"Let us clearly state our claims by breaking "proper" chains."
So clearly expressed as a fundamental right for all.
Nicely composed.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Miss underneath! I love that this intimate moment was caught in a crowd. Dead sexy, naked, clothes on.

"She danced, oblivious  
to stares, the music, the mood  
feral upon the stage,"
Feral suggesting animalistic passion, and certainly freedom somehow. Your desire builds slow and hot!

"obsession to possession"
Turning the page, and for some reason my fav line.
Was happy tickled it never went to bed. Only in my head. Which was filled overflowing with your well crafted images.

Exellent entry.

poet Anonymous

This is so artistically composed.  I love the imagery:
"I find her on tummy.. golden angel asleep,    
quietly now, I silent~creep...
My light tongue to toe~curl, lazily licking up,
tasting behind knees.. ~swirl and suck~ "
First-class writing.

poet Anonymous

calamitygin said:Oh darling T. My sweet Darksighs....
This was pure delight. And how!

"Tightest blush line full~licked, my two pinkies push deep, ".........suggests she is so pure, new to sex. And you relish having and loving her. Yes, intamacy.

"ringing her sweet 'V' in fay crescendos of cream..
"As I swallow silken 'bestie' sighs, pleased.
Eyes still in my prize, I smile.. continue slow feed. "
Oh sweet "V" glorious. And seeing you love her taste, to cumming cream, to silken need. You feed, she's pleasured,, you continue out of your own. Need.

Its so sexy, i was washed with sensations,  my cozy furnace, about to completely incinerate the rest of me.
Yes please!!!!

This is so artistically composed.  I love the imagery:
"I find her on tummy.. golden angel asleep,    
quietly now, I silent~creep...
My light tongue to toe~curl, lazily licking up,
tasting behind knees.. ~swirl and suck~ "
First-class erotic writing.

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Note: This post dont match calamityjins comments couse I changed it.
my original was not erotic enough and wouldnt of won nothing

I open the mens bathroom door. in the same moment the door to the outside
opens with a flourish, I know I am being stealthed,
I feel like the feline with the big muscular tomcat on her prowl.

The hole between the two stalls has long been made and seen
much use
I assume the womans role placing my buttocs against the
cold wood
He lubes me up from the other side
my own hard on is uncontrollable
he enters, uncircumsized his head is revealed inside of me
he comes in fourty three thrusts
masturbating my climax is timed with his

He offers me his ass
I ceremoniously rub my flaccid rod onto his
waiting ass
he understands and after a few minutes of freshening up
 I peek out to see his face as he turns before he leaves

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Wow!! Rabbit, this is a one of a kind write.
I didnt know where you were going from one sec to the next! Doesnt mean it wasnt well crafted, i feel exactly the opposite. It feeels complete in focus without sounding the least bit contrived.
For an instant im thinkin, alright Jen, remember, this is poetry, not every one likes what i say, i dont have to like him. But do need to hear him.

Happy i did.
."Guys in fluffy coats winking at me"

Fluffy c oats! Ha!

n"d that when I'm around men
my eyes drift to staring at their crotch
and imagining the penis underneath

but I digress. this is an erotic thread... "

Brilliant there, the one sexual element of homoerotic writing, and its thrown off, i digress, that cant be sexy, gross!#

But its total admission that there is part of you that wants to see a mans cock! Genius.

"My heart fluttered as heard the throaty roar of his Harley
As he opened the door I pounced on him
adjusting his collar buttons "

The unzzziiip, his arugula. Lol tricky dick you.
Making yourself pretty for big harley dude! And then closes with pure intimacy. Adjusted his buttons.

I loved this!!!!!!!

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

aw shucks
thanks for your intimate responses to everybodies posts

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Rabbit, confused by your edit. I liked the first, and especially the ending. I knew what you were doing. And it worked. This is now very strange with the abrubtness of the end.

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

hey Im a confused  guy what can I say love your comp
finished my post

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Lol okay. Three very different entries. My last comment was about the second version , which you had kept some of the first them the end was...?
But this is all new!😷 A glory hole piece lol
And it was brave and gloriously delivered. (see what i did there teeher)
I really, really liked it!
Ive always been curious about how glory hole action is initiated and performed. And it was very well written. And pure entertainment. Ha! Maybe pure isn't the right word.

Way to go rabbit!


poet Anonymous

calamitygin said:Rabbit, confused by your edit. I liked the first, and especially the ending. I knew what you were doing. And it worked. This is now very strange with the abrubtness of the end.

Only a man would understand the abruptness   It's rather cleverly done.

poet Anonymous

Jen, I can't find this one in here.

calamitygin said:Wow!! Rabbit, this is a one of a kind write.
I didnt know where you were going from one sec to the next! Doesnt mean it wasnt well crafted, i feel exactly the opposite. It feeels complete in focus without sounding the least bit contrived.
For an instant im thinkin, alright Jen, remember, this is poetry, not every one likes what i say, i dont have to like him. But do need to hear him.

Happy i did.
."Guys in fluffy coats winking at me"

Fluffy c oats! Ha!

n"d that when I'm around men
my eyes drift to staring at their crotch
and imagining the penis underneath

but I digress. this is an erotic thread... "

Brilliant there, the one sexual element of homoerotic writing, and its thrown off, i digress, that cant be sexy, gross!#

But its total admission that there is part of you that wants to see a mans cock! Genius.

"My heart fluttered as heard the throaty roar of his Harley
As he opened the door I pounced on him
adjusting his collar buttons "

The unzzziiip, his arugula. Lol tricky dick you.
Making yourself pretty for big harley dude! And then closes with pure intimacy. Adjusted his buttons.

I loved this!!!!!!!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Rabbits, He edited it into three very different pieces.

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

congratulations lovely d~!!! for the win

congratulations also to John yay!!!

thank you beautiful Jennifer it's a real honor to be a runner up in your comp. :)

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

Thanks for the wink, Jen, & stunning poetry by darksighs & Crimsin. wonderful entries all around...

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