permanent marker

softly now
hear these words
like a whisper barely heard
yet fully felt...
against the vein in your neck
tasting your life beat
tongue teasing

inhale my sincerity
gaze into forest eyes
as you paint your colors upon my pale canvas
I brace...
heels & claws
welcoming you into my eternal spread
rhythmically bobbing with the force of your expression
as you exorcise your demons
anchored deep within my holy water

and bear witness... truth

you need to understand
it’s not that I get off on the pain
I respond to what drives it
...the love & the passion
...the need
with absolute desperation
to leave your mark where it can be seen
visible evidence
that we may both later caress

~ after ~

eyes rolled back to the moment it happened
as your lips lovingly graze
lingering over my perfectly imprinted flesh
causing pulses to pick up their tempo
as we reminisce on shudders & sighs
...and stolen breath
as palms spread a rosy impression
and teeth etched your signature
my hungry spine arched
your essence buried within my depths torrents of devotion
flooding the halls of our hallowed temple
drenching us in the sacred language
...of your beloved hieroglyphs
glowing within my being
spoken without speaking

no, love
it’s not about hurting
it’s about feeling
and what you do to me my heart...
like a tattoo...
unable to be removed
permanently inked
into the whole of me
...the soul of me

again I say
it’s not about pain
it’s how your love stains
and I wear it proudly
it’s okay, baby
go ahead & mark me

She's an older poem, but I missed her so I'm bringing her out of the archives
Written by WillowsWhimsies
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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