The Temporary Safety of an Adirondack Chair

small California airports
have sunny courtyards
this one has a beer kiosk
not much interest to me
but great interest
to the woman in the adirondack chair
next to me
could i watch her suitcase while she gets another beer?
i should't she giggles
i manage a weak smile
a why not shrug
adding that drinking and flying
is not a problem
as long as one isn't the pilot
when she returns
she wants to chat
asks if I'm from San Luis Obispo or Phoenix
she lives in Phoenix too
been there six months
tells me the suburb
perhaps based on her suburb
or her affect in general
i decide she's a Trump fanatic
an anti masker too
maybe even coughed on someone  
during the pandemic
i like the tilt of the adirondack chairs we're sitting in
angled backwards
no tears fall out
every time I visit mom
her memory is worse
she thinks my sister
whom she hadn't seen in four years
is my friend
but she knows me
not where i live
not very often what i do
but she knows my nature
she knows me
an hour or so ago
she'd said i love you so much
in emotional italics
as sincere an I love you
as has ever existed
an Akashic Records I love you
a fact
Trump woman keeps talking
something about young grandchildren she chases after
i manage another weak smile
tilt my head back further
i'm a pitcher
unless i lean forward
tears won't pour  
what does this woman want from me?
is she just looking to kill time?
since i'm in her approximate age range
or maybe because she's somewhat new to Phoenix
does she want to be my friend?
I ask her about which city she likes better
we talk a bit about Phoenix
i decide more things about her
she's had at least one DUI
uses apostrophes to form plurals
thinks bread is only white or wheat
possibly racist or antisemitic
thinks pranks that hurt people are funny
how many more trips left to see my mom
how many where she'll still be able to know me
how long will it be until I'm flying out  
one last time
i get up and walk into the terminal
it's for the best
or the perfectly nice woman chatting with me
will become someone  
who tortures cats
Written by Pinkdreams
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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