Image for the poem Raphium Music

Raphium Music

poppies planted in the land of nod
feed my beauty today
i'm willing to heal
it's been a long war
I lick my wounds openly

awoken from a deep sleep brutally
blindly swinging hitting ones not intended
my weapons still in hand
i'm going to sit back and relax
and pay closer attention
to what's really going on

listen to the rhythm
the vibe of the place
take its pulse
get back into the game
do some damage internally with magic
the first magic that ever existed
it being the strongest
because its home made with love

a woman waits for her children to grow up
there is a man who has played foolish games with their heads
gave them more power
than they could deal with really

the Earth feels the growing pains as they flex
this is the nexus of Truth
their mother is proud really
at how they've grown
getting to know them now is hard

Raphiums undercover of darkness work fiercely
to shape this dimension
i've come to greet you all
beautiful, dutiful and sly

lovely ones add fuel to the fire
they will either burn out of existence
or get in-tune with the hive

e-queens feed your men today
the honeyed lust of your music
it's playing on all stations

feed your greed today
and know I am willing you should prosper financially
with some kind of come up
whatever that may be
stay safe and know I ride the waves with you

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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