Dim-Mak Chrysanthemums~with QuietusQuill

Lift and break from me in the
wounded bleeding vapor
napalm eulogies
drift into satin synapse's
of Neanderthal gnomes,

shotgun spray peppers
the imbecile's Teflon mentality
sticking to nothing
they don't know they're hit
until they're left bleeding out

betacarotene deficient
mastodons perform
rim jobs on iridescent harpies,

as society mourns a dead god
artificial intelligence
inseminates counter-cultural ideas
into the lobotomize zombies

an alien race on auto-pilot
will be here soon to collect it's own
the hive swarms
the Queen must be protected

opaque zeppelins deploy
carpet bombs containing
leprosy nano bots,

a species decimated
while sleeping at the wheel
we walk among them
while they search the heavens
with flashlights
in English we say
"we're already here"

leave pieces of your
chassis scattered everywhere
a finger here a toe there
a Bosch reflection of atrophy
death blossoms,

message decoded and recieved
the key to the White House
is under the gnome
with the blue hat

deleterious air castles
sift through my grainy cortex
water logged amoeba leech
upon my burnt out neurons
fermenting razor blade
replenish-able Psilocybin

I will cut you out tumor
necrotic cancer living in my solar system
my bleeding ears can take no more
of the nonsense you transmit
you seek intelligent life
you are an infant on the celestial tit
a tick, a parasite

as a caretaker scrapes
away your hippocampus
prosthetic parakeets
snorting up Ra’s rays
as rats nibble on my
exposed vas-defrens,

inside an inverted
pelagic cochlea
waiting to hear
the final trumpet
signifying Atlantis’s

a Golgotha cerise
river flows into the
valley of welded flowers
that place beyond the pines
where the mirrors of 47 realms
splits the malachite pillars
that are erected in the 36th chamber
as the five deadly venoms
collapse Bak-Mei’s kaleidoscope.

i'll be home soon
I've missed you too

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
Author's Note
thank you dearest poet it was a pleasure to write with you..
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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