Mental Disection

I've wasted so much time
licking matches
cleaning razors
and wanting to cut you
just to write my name in your blood and her tears.

Giving you all this anger is more than you deserve,
be grateful.

Your house isn't there and you're no longer alive
but those thoughts I reserve for Sunday nights.

Your spoken tweezers and surgical tape
took from me everything I appreciated
forcing me to disprove of this person I'd grown to like.

Now I'm opposite
because to be like me
was to want you
and all I want
is to hurt you.

There's flames and bloodshot in my eyes
that run the poison to my veins as I sip tea
unwillingly falling deeper and deeper into
masochistic tendencies
of primitive wishes to crush your skull beneath my feet
tread ironically on YOUR toes till every bone breaks individually.
I would pull your nose from either side till it rips your face into two
then she can take one side to adore and i'll cut her name into my side

because good god she's killed you hasn't she

and I fucking hope she does a good job of it.
Written by pretty_normal (Pretty Normal)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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