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Im just writing for therapy and trying to figure out this insane thing I call life...been through multitude of painful,heartbreaking moments that I need to work through and accept ,trying to dance through life if possible,putting addiction to a final death for my own sanity and healthy attempt at life...go day by day trying to let go of my grudges in life ,moving on from a narcissistic abuse relationship ,beginning to heal the damage and find some peace and happiness,wherever they may be ,and hold onto them as tight as I can,trying not to seep into the cesspool s I've allowed myself to become a part of ,leaving the past in the past ,going towards the sunlight, staying there never to relinquish myself again to the world of addiction and toxic people I tend to gravitate towards....making the end stages of my life something to be proud of and enjoy. ,if that's really a possibility....
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Strange Creature