
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (7)
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Member Since 29th August 2012
sam7370 joined 4405 days ago and last visited 4211 days ago
Comments 7
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Poet Introduction

My name Sam McCarty, I'm a novice writing poems but I very much enjoy it. Will start writing again, , should inspire some dark poems.Used to write alot of song lyrics, now I try to write poems. I hope you understand and like them

About Me

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[Just trying to figure out life

My Reading List

Disrespectful by Icuduseahugritenow (WallFlower)
Scars by Icuduseahugritenow (WallFlower)
As the Pendulum Swings by Evan (Vizeon)
Take My Life by lesbianoutcast (Cael)

Poets I Follow
