
Lost Thinker
2awards Canada
Read Poems (40)
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Member Since 24th June 2013
oldmanadeus joined 4117 days ago and last visited 3664 days ago
Comments 18
Forum Posts 31
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Poet Introduction

My name is old man adeus, I took this name after I forgot my own in my path to bring the world back to the light. (Real world me just wants to know if I should try and do this or give up and go home)

Favorite Poets/Writers

Terry Pratchett, Scroobius Pip, The King Blues

About Me

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I have no idea about spoken word or slam poetry, I am a novelist (well not really but one day maybe) who is trying something new. I recently started writing about a character called Lady Daydream who is almost a cultist leader. Mixed with that I'm a huge wrestling fan and sometimes contributor to story lines but there is one character I have seen recently by the name of Bray Wyatt who's character on TV is that of a religious zealot from Louisiana and my god that man can speak please watch this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hr10Z3KVs9c , yes its read from a script but it honestly inspired me to try this. Alot of what I say may be things I've written for the day dream character and some will be fictional pieces. I am not a cult leader or some kind of power nut I just think it would be cool to pretend to be one for deliverys sake. I take criticism well and understand I have an accent so anything anyone wants clarified I will not be offended if you ask.