michaelslove2 (Michael S. Love)

Thought Provoker
1awards United States
Read Poems (150)
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Birthday 24th May
Member Since 23rd July 2020
michaelslove2 joined 1690 days ago and last visited 11 days ago
Comments 299
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Poet Introduction

HI! I'm Michael and I'm a poet!

Favorite Poets/Writers

Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, James Patterson

About Me

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I live in Lake Stevens, Washington. 50, almost 51 (old), single (available! ), I enjoy writing and reading poetry, reading in general. Also enjoy writing children's stories and books. Have had 3 books of poetry professionally published, no children's stories or book yet however. That is a very tough market but still trying. I am also a drummer for 32 years now. I live here with my brother, sister-in-law, her daughter, and a family friend in a large house so it all works out. We all take care of each other and we like it this way. We also have 2 ridiculously spoiled cats  and two small dogs and a boxer. Spoiled is the way it should be for them all of course. Like I said, big house we all pay rent for, plenty of room and privacy so it all works out. Our plan is we have a lot of land with this house so we are going to build additional housing for each one of us and live kind of like a crazy cult. Like i said, we are family, we take care of each other.  I should add that we are renting to own the place btw..can't build on the land until then of course.  I work on my private writing career and also as an Editor.  I am also an ordained Minister, Wicca.