krasaldo (Aldo Kraas)

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Read Poems (69)
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Birthday 15th July
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 22nd August 2024
krasaldo joined 22 days ago and last visited yesterday
Comments 15
Forum Posts 5
Group Posts 44

Poet Introduction

I am aldo kraasI been writing poemsFor 29 years now

Favorite Poets/Writers

Pablo Neruda, Patrick Friesen, Michael Ondatje

About Me

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Aldo Kraas
Was Born in Sao Paulo Brazil
In July 15th 1964
In 2011 AIdo kraas
Self published 3
Fado, Faces, and home
in 2023 Aldo self published
His 4 chapbook
AIdo's Canada
He dedicated that book
To his brother
Claudio kraas