
Thought Provoker
2awards United States
Read Poems (91)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 4th May 2012
firecrackerxx joined 4606 days ago and last visited 4442 days ago
Comments 562
Forum Posts 2
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Poet Introduction

hello I am firecrackerxx a poet of erotic peotry and many other genres. There is a fire and passion in my soul that my pen displays.

Favorite Poets/Writers

keats, cedarfalls, lord byron, poe

About Me

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I am a writer by heart and by nature. I often say there is a fire within my soul that my pen displays. I am also a freelance writer and author. I write all kinds if genres with erotica being one of my fortes. If I could not express my heart and soul through writing I simply could not live. I love to love, but I have also been heartbroken and have found that at these times we as writers are our most creative. Shall we dare go to where our poem moves and guides us. I dare to unlock the passion that resides within my heart and let my pen guide me. I dare to dream that passion and fervent love can be mine. I dare hope that he (and he knows who he is) will come to his senses and let his heart accept the passion i freely offer.. Will you please sweet one?

My Reading List

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The Dream Who Shared My Pen by Rank_Amateur
Both Sides of the Crack by Rank_Amateur
The One She Truly Knew by Rank_Amateur
LOVE ME by mzwai32 (Magickan32)
An Angel Story by deshonex

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (15)