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Birthday 15th November
Relationship Status Other
Member Since 5th February 2020
docebo joined 1856 days ago and last visited 1783 days ago
Comments 10
Forum Posts 5
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I've been here one week, which is when I began writing for myself. I've recently realized that I enjoy writing short and flash fiction. I attempt poetry occasionally. Since I'm so new, I'm a bit needy of comments and likes. Please do so, when applicable.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Sadly, I've just recently begun really reading. Better late than never.

About Me

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I am an American teaching English as a Foreign Language at a private school in Tianjin, China (nowhere near Wuhan). As you may have heard, things are a bit crazy here at the moment. As a result, I've started writing. There is usually a silver lining to bad things...