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Poet Introduction
Dark, erotic, anger, self poems that explain my thoughts and fantasies. I write about vampires and sometimes other things that i come up with
About Me
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I think I've been pretty afraid of criticism but i forgot whats the real reason why I write, for myself, I do this for me. Your welcome to criticize but at the end of the day I wrote what i felt. I know I have to work on grammar but is that really so important? You understood what I meant. Why make someone feel stupid if you still understood her stupidity. I write for me and that's it.
My Reading List
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Walls Can't Speak
by decayingfebruary (Wolf)
Death by a thousand voices
by regimentboy
Calming Embrace
by Ladybriar
The book of love
by Crow-Eye
Sunshine shooting in my veins
by TJzett (TJ)
Fuck love.
by Arryn
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dianajr (dinamystery)
Thought Provoker