
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Member Since 17th October 2011
analytical_poet joined 4882 days ago and last visited 4604 days ago
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Poet Introduction

As a poet, I like to analyze situaitons and debatable topics and write about them in a way that may chance a reader's perspective. Something that will give me them an alternative way to look at things.My goal is to still inspire, intrigue ,and educate.

About Me

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I am an ambitious writer, I write not only for myself but i write for the people. I write on topics other can relate, I write about succes, hardships, inspiration, relationships etc...whatever may sooth the soul. I'm always open to new ideas and ways to imporve my writing as well. I've been writing for years but I'm new to expressing my poetry with the public. I'm looking forward to my new journey. I am a college student, a father, a family, who is determined to succeed. I am very goal oriented and use my poetry as a form to clear my mind when my thoughts are heavy. I am an achiever, and I feel that in order to achieve one must believe and have faith.