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Poet Introduction
I'm not new to writing, but I usually write books or stories
Favorite Poets/Writers
Edgar Allen Poe, Christopher Paolini, Rick Riordan, Robert FrostAbout Me
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Okay, guys, I'm sorry to say, I no longer really use this site. I took off all of my poetry so if you wish to view it you have to go to my Wattpad. I have gone to a Wattpad account by the name of xxAvengingAngelxx. So, to all my dear followers/follow-ees, please, join Wattpad, if not to only stop by every once in a while and say hello. I will miss you all terribly, special shout outs to Josephine, for being a really awesome woman and showing me the good in life, to MourningCloak, for being the first to greet me, and, oh shiz I'm getting all emotional, to Brokenreflection0 for being a super sweet amazing girl. The link to my profile is:
My Reading List
Full Reading List
Gorgeous monster
by Broken_Reflection0
Feel Free To Skip Over This Poem
by 4Ever4Gotten (Danielle Nicole)
To a Broken Angel
by Burson
Excuse Me While I Vomit
by 4Ever4Gotten (Danielle Nicole)
Drudgery of Days
by Abracadabra
once upon a time
by Dazed
My Groups
Poets I Follow
All Poets I Follow (17)





XxDeathWishxX (Avenging Angel)
Thought Provoker