
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Birthday 21st September
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 16th August 2011
VirgoLove87 joined 4795 days ago and last visited 4777 days ago
Comments 8
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Poet Introduction

I have been writing poetry and short stories since Middle School.I'm just starting to get back into the spirit of writing poetry,Its just something I do for fun and I write whatever comes from the heart.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Maya Angelou

About Me

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I'm a 23 year old young lady from Sacramento,CA.I'm in the mist of trying to go to school and start my career as Daycare Giver.I love to write poetry as a hobby,It relaxes me and makes me become a better person by revealing my true feelings through my writing.I don't know much about poetry and My poems are not the best,But im willing to learn more about Creative Writing.

To All those who reads my poems I will love for some great feedback to help me become better.Thanks and I hope you enjoy.

My Reading List

My Fantasy by LouisianaSexii2012

Poets I Follow
