Vandelious (Neil Stewart)

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Read Poems (5)
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Member Since 4th June 2024
Vandelious joined 116 days ago and last visited 108 days ago
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Poet Introduction

"experienced poet*, as in please critique my stuff!, I'm not on a big pedestal more like a stepping stone if you will

Favorite Poets/Writers

mf doom / my grandad

About Me

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This is Neil, I spend my time writing poems as a way to get across my thoughts to myself.

My mum got ill a couple of years ago. Diagnosed late, treatment delayed...

We were told many times that she wouldn't make it, she didn't in the end but she damn fought.

Anyways, I don't mean to define my character with this story, I wrote that in because I was confronted with optimism/pecimism.

I feel this confrontation opened me up as a poet/photographer, I study photography at Carnegie college in Dunfermline fife also.

Anyways, I love music (all types for all reasons really), I practice guitar aswell when I can and write songs that I can't play yet 😭🤣.

I love to cook aswell, and go out with my mates pretty regularly.

Poets I Follow
