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Poet Introduction
i am goth arist... a meaningless drop of blood in the pattern of the sadness... i cant understand life... cause i still live the past
About Me
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i am inside the madness...
that lies inside my sadness
I fear the steps that always following my insanity
my steps... my sadness,
i want to get away... even i like being on a hole with no air
that lies inside my sadness
I fear the steps that always following my insanity
my steps... my sadness,
i want to get away... even i like being on a hole with no air
My Reading List
Jar Of Hearts.
by jadielue (Jade.)
The Best Lost Secret
by ConcreteMoon (Dillon Nickerson)
the truth
by mistyfied (Dezeri)
by mistyfied (Dezeri)
Apocalyptic Love.
by jadielue (Jade.)
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Lost Thinker