Tiffanykr (Tiff69)

Strange Creature
South Africa
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Member Since 4th November 2013
Tiffanykr joined 4150 days ago and last visited 4137 days ago
Comments 7
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About Me

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Well I'm considered to be a bit of a weirdo by other people (but that's good right). I love animals (snake breeder) and anything artistic.
My mom asked me what I want for my birthday and all I could think of was a sloth.
I spend a lot of my time drawing and writing.
I do not understand any of this 2013 pop rubish music eg. Brittany Spears and Miley "slut" Cyrus. Oh and Lord help me I cannot listen to anything that even remotely sounds like Mariah Scarry or any "soul music" or "gospel" or "hip-hop" triples my urge to commit suicide! I'm a metal head and a hard rocker not a pop diva oh and I think Justin B should have his voice box removed and have the queen of spades say "OFF WITH HIS F***ING HEAD"

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