
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Age 49
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 13th September 2013
TheMechanik joined 4028 days ago and last visited 4016 days ago
Comments 10
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Poet Introduction

I do not strive to be or be seen as a poet... Only to relate through verse with like minded persons of similar or greater skills..

About Me

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Still trying to find my path... But with a broken life compass, direction becomes running in place. I love my family and my friends. I try to believe that chivalry is not dead... But every door opening, chair pulling out, show of courtesy or good manners gets a singh dubh to the heart. It may not be dead, but it seems to be dying... Murdered, actually. As guys like myself try to defend it. Pointless... Enough of that. My wit tends to be sarcastic. I would say i wear my heart on my sleeve... But its tattooed on my forearm. I find that too much time to think brings more darkness... I have grown to welcome it.

My Reading List

Feed [the witch hunt] by case28 (Alexander Case)

Poets I Follow
