TheAustralianSlav1 (Poetry and Proses)

Strange Creature
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Member Since 4th November 2012
TheAustralianSlav1 joined 4423 days ago and last visited 4412 days ago
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Poet Introduction

More so a writer than a poet, political and religious themes, dealing in European political incompetence and radical ethnic themes, historic atrocities anything that fascinates me really.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Browning,

About Me

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My account is for my poetry and writing proses, entirely new material, all of my own work. My writing preferences are Observational, political and religious themed poems and proses. You'll find yourself wondering if i'm a Neo-Nazi by the end of it, let me ask you this - "Why should nationalism and my concern for my slavic brothers be considered anti-semitism / anti-zionism?" I'm a "ethical" national socialist and I stand tall against all dictatorial oppression and fight for true freedom, not the freedom that leads it's followers into the furnance.

My poetry / proses will have offensive themes yet no vulgarity. They will have themes of radical political idealogy, historic related atrocities of our time and those of the past, you may consider my poetry / proses extreme and offensive, whatever your sunjective papar morals be, I couldn't care less. I'm a writer, my humor is morally unsound and will probably offend you, you could consider some poetry / proses somewhat racist but they're all in jest, I promise. I'll be scoping the field for writers I'd enjoy and anyone up for a civil, respectful conversation you're more than welcome to introduce yourself via private message.

Please do enjoy yourself. Won't you?