
Lost Thinker
Read Poems (21)
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Age 29
Member Since 20th September 2012
ShadowMind joined 4561 days ago and last visited 3445 days ago
Comments 15
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About Me

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I never liked poetry, but it has grown on me since I found out that, to me, poems are a lot easier to write than stories. It's somehow easier to remain a little vague, although sometimes my poems get very detailed.
I just like writing (both poems and stories) as a casual hobby; no pressure, no need to be better. That's why I sometimes don't upload for weeks or even months, those are just times my inspiration decided to take a vacation. When I do have inspiration, though, I write my poems in as little as five minutes; it's just a matter of following the words as they come.
I hope my poems can give insights to others, but even if you just like them that makes me happy.

My Reading List

Still not quite enough by Scribbler12
Sort-of smile by Scribbler12
The Daily Scar by DiamondDustMirror (The White Rabbit)

Poets I Follow
