Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (24)
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Member Since 8th November 2012
SEAN joined 4278 days ago and last visited 185 days ago
Comments 208
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Irvine Welsh,Bret Easton Ellis

About Me

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Bit of a party boy really,When people find out i read.Their always in shock,so what ever that says. But still i love to read, The one book, Marabou Stork Nightmares,i can read over and over. I try to write little bits and pieces,but my spelling and grammar is terrible.Not a lot of schooling,started work very early.Was mad for cash back then.But i will still have a go.

My Reading List

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My New Muse by raorrick (Rachel O.)
The Sea Witch by maryanns (ravenwing)
Broken by Gg78