
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (5)
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Member Since 30th May 2013
Roses1963 joined 4133 days ago and last visited 4129 days ago
Comments 10
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About Me

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 I am a 43 year old in a complicated time of my life....some of which is self inflicted and humanly repeated....or maybe that is insanely or stupidly....who knows....

  I played with poetry and prose when I was younger and have taken it up again to try and sort my thoughts and hopefully a little bit of life too. I'm sure what I write will swing with my moods, as he who shall not be named likes to call how I feel.
  Looking forward to reading some beautiful, sad, dark, spiritual, erotic feelings and insight from you all.

Blessed Be.

My Reading List

my blue eyed wonder by nikitaloveAS
Silence by Scenario (MC)
Hope by Scenario (MC)
- A Crazy Cycle - by ZipLock

Poets I Follow
