Robthapoet (Rw)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (1)
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Birthday 18th April
Member Since 10th May 2018
Robthapoet joined 2511 days ago and last visited 2448 days ago
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Poet Introduction

As a poet I love all genres and I often write about anything thay comes across my mind. I've self-published two collections of Poetry titled "If Poetry Were Short Stories" and "The 8th Sin of Poetry" both of which are on Amazon.

About Me

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As a young child, I always enjoyed three things: video games, movies, and poetry. So once I was able to create a story of my own, I kept on writing.  I was always conjuring up stories and filling them with colorful characters, sharing them with anyone and everyone who would listen. After I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts and Science Degree, in Game Art and Design, I’ve progressed quite a bit to formulating longer and more complex stories and sharing them with much larger audiences. As a professional storyteller and poet, I’m adept at using my imaginative thinking and creative flair to bring my stories to life in engaging and entertaining ways. And I still find the time to enjoy a great video game as well.

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