RainbowFalcon (Miss Rae)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (9)
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Member Since 14th March 2013
RainbowFalcon joined 4209 days ago and last visited 3839 days ago
Comments 7
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Poet Introduction

I love the dirty, gritty, darker side of life. It translates into what I write. Psychological horrors are my current favorite.

About Me

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I am into the darker side of things, always have been. I love gritty, gory, everything unusual. I love psychological horrors and the paranoia of the mind. Recently, I took a break from poetry. Worst decision I have made. I love words, I love their power. You can say so much in just one word, line, verse. I am passionate about few things, but the written word is one of them.

I do have a more fun and upbeat side, however. Well, it is for me. I love paronomasia with a burning passion. My sense of humor is often tiresome to others, sadly.

Oh, and, I, occasionally, overuse, commas.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
I Love You by Vixenwings (Butterfly)
My lovely corner by Forsaken
Murder Feels Good by KristoferKatatonic
Wigging out by KristoferKatatonic

Poets I Follow
