
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (1)
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Birthday 17th June
Relationship Status Other
Member Since 25th January 2014
PsychoGirl joined 4075 days ago and last visited 4075 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe, Shel Silverstein (when I was a kid), & Dr. Seuss

About Me

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When songs have good lyrics I take them to heart, When the beat catches my mind I tap uncontrollably! I bug people but I don’t care. I’m kind of white trash but I rock it! I’m a damn good judge of character, however sometimes I see what I want to see which sucks because it makes it easy for people to take advantage of me. I love movies; all kinds: animation, romantic comedies, horror films, and my favorite that amazing movie with an extreme amount of witty sarcasm and a little bit of crude humor. My best friends name is Kyndra and she’s hilarious and we’ve been friends since first grade! I love horses, they’re majestic and strong and sometimes when I ride my horse I swear I can fly. My favorite color is Green, but by the time you read this it most likely will have changed a million times! If I could be anything I’d be a Lion, they are powerful and beautiful and I could just roar at people and they would go away. Although some say I can already do that on my own. I’m kind of crazy but who cares. The best people are, I think. I’m a brunette but I haven’t seen my natural hair color in years. I’m going to New York first chance I get. And last but not least I don’t care what other people think!  K bye!